Tengu pve fit 2018. We want to run them together.
Tengu pve fit 2018 The below build is what it’s currently running. Having come back to the game, it seems that the debates around what ship/fit to use are as vibrant Support the site. Need the fit. Back in the day around 2020 this Eve Workbench websites has lots of fits published and people can vote on whether the fit is bad or not. Closed April 12, 2018, 11:09am 8. I have bunch of HAM and HeavyMissile skills. Save the [Tengu, Imma Prick] 2018, 3:52am 7. This fit was designed for L4 missions and DED sites. However, even in a T3C if you wanna do some of the better PvE you’ll need to fit for PvE, not PvP. /thread. ---Experience--- I run anoms in a tengu, I swap out my fit for 100% pve, if there are neuts/reds in system I change my fit or use a different ship. i suggest not to use a Tengu for relic/data sites. Combat sites can be probed down quite easily in a non-exploration ship. best setup for l4 is tengu and loki right tungo for th/k and loki for everything else so 2 lokis and a tengu 2018, 3:17am 4. My Golem shreds with only 879 DPS and tanks 928 incoming DPS. A tengu fit to rat against guiristas in a site that has very few frigates wouldn't need much cap stability, TPs, webs or em resits. It looks like Strategic Cruisers have been changed in my absence though and my old Tengu fit is no longer viable. Loki is great for both sheild and armor tanking, but its not really that great for PVE. Anyone got a working fit? EVE Online Forums Guristas 10/10 Tengu fit? PvE Gameplay Center. If you don't mind sitting still and lobbing long range missile volleys then you may as well just use a CNR. 30: 17874: July 4, 2018 Tengu for NullSec PVE. For Tengu I'm closer to flying one but I lack weapon system skills for missiles. Aleksandar_Stefanov (Aleksandar Stefanov) DED Loki/Tengu As others have mentioned, Tengu is the king of PvE t3cs. If you can fit T2 without issues, use T2. Sure you will need to modify your fit a bit but this should actually not be too Fitting results Sort: Load more fittings. In any case I’m not looking to break the bank Not sure where and against what you want to fly, but you could try something similar to this HAM mission tengu: [Tengu, PvE HAM 1x] Ballistic Control System II Ballistic Control System II Ballistic Control System II Ballistic Control System II Federation Navy 10MN Afterburner Pithi B-Type Small Shield Booster Phased Weapon Navigation Array Tengu: What would be a good fit for hisec small gangs in a wardec situation. I just want to wandering in space exploring DED sites and doing them. Howdy, A friend and I are thinking of trying to run some missions together. November 15, 2018, 9:37pm 6. The Tengu can fit a great shield tank and still have respectable dps. Due to big upgrades on the EVE Workbench site to facilitate the EVE Workbench Tengu pve fit advices request for combat sites. PvE Hey fellow capsuleers, I’m back to the game after a few year hiatus and wanted to check out running low-sec combat sites. 0 space, in terms of PVE, so I would like to try it a bit. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! It also makes missioning a lot more fun zipping around quickly pummeling ships rather than just sitting still. It lacks the speed, but has triple the range and double the tank: [Tengu, HML - ACT - WH tank (T2)] Ballistic Control System II Ballistic Control System II Power Diagnostic System II 'Deuce' Co-Processor I Shield Boost Amplifier II Large Shield Booster II Photon Scattering Field II Invulnerability Field II Invulnerability Field II Tengu is good at pve. 1: 694: I did with my tengu the above maze and what is possible. (Rivr Luzade) February 7, 2018, 8:56am 2. I tried using a HAM tengu but the Blood Raiders neut a lot harder than I was expecting. I have been proposed tengu fits by most people, but since I have 0 skills in both caldari and missiles that would take ages, so I was hoping someone had suggestions for alternative ships to use? Im I had 2 systems to myself for a few hours ran ham tengu in one and hammerheads/gila alt in the other, just permatanked both with x-large sheild booster fits, hacked can ignoring rats, hit approach on bs when spawned, picked my nose then grabbed the loot and cycled the salvager on bs wreck easy peasy. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! Whats the optimal loki fit for doing 6/10 EVE Online Forums Loki fit for Angel DED sites? PvE Gameplay Center. They’re easier to fit than T2 weapons as well and have a much higher rate of fire. While in exploration fit, a tengu, with proper D-scan practices in WH space has virtually nothing to worry about, outside of off the walls stuff like a pack of stealthed frigs which is an oddity even for Eve. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! Hi need an advice regarding a Legion fit for C4 anomalies i use Tier 12 Armor rep with full armor resist lows and still i get to hull on Frontier Barracks i have noticed the Tengu shield Rep is double from my Legion armor reps why is that? i get 1k armor per 7 sec cycle while Tengu gets x2. [Loki, PVE HAM 10/10] Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System Caldari Navy Ballistic 2018 DED Loki/Tengu ship fits for angel/serpentis 4-8/10. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! Tengu isnt just great for long range, its a great shield tanker too, with active reps i can make a good cap stable tengu fit. Become our patron on Support the site. The Loki, on paper, can out dps the Tengu but you have to worry about all the factor which affect turret damage and don't affect missile damage. Currently, I’m ratting in a Praxis and a Drake and with the way I have them fitted they work fine for PvE, but I don’t think they are cut out for PvP hunting as they are. this is my fit, what do you think about it? anything I should change/improve? the cost is like 15M [Arbitrator, L2 mission] Damage Control I Drone Damage Amplifier I Drone Damage Amplifier I Compact Multispectrum Energized Membrane Medium ACM Compact Armor Repairer 10MN [Tengu, Tengu PvE] Tengu Electronics - Dissolution Sequencer Tengu Propulsion - Intercalated Nanofibers Tengu Offensive - Accelerated Ejection Bay Tengu Defensive - Amplification Node Tengu Engineering - Capacitor Regeneration Matrix 5x Heavy Missile Launcher II (Scourge Fury Heavy Missile) 2x Adaptive Invulnerability Field II Gist B-Type Large Shield Booster 2x Shield So for the weapons systems I'm better fit for a Loki, but longer time to be able to fly one. I have 170mio skillpoints on my main so no issue i have a loot of money so i can afford to buy and lose it. Die benötigten Skills für dieses Fitting ermöglichen I mocked up the following fit for it (pure PvE), November 12, 2018 Tengu pve fit advices request for combat sites. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! Here is a proven all-rounder PVE fit for the Tengu. My only guess is that I should use a Rattlesnake, Loki, or a Tengu, but I’d like to hear your opinion. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! Tengu Core - Augmented Graviton Reactor Tengu Defensive - Amplification Node Tengu Offensive - Accelerated Ejection Bay Tengu Propulsion - Chassis Optimization. Thanks you. HM by Brankos BasCelick | EVE Workbench. You will finish content faster with HAM tough. I was blasting Level 4's with a Gisti A type I have the skills for the Tengu and the Loki, But, you’re stuck with 700 DPS. Was just curious if there is a groups of dudes out there that run TC3 aka legion, tengu etc for combat sites in a c4/c5 worm hole if you would post your fit i’d apprecate it. My PVE cap stable Tengu does 620 dps. 30: 17877: July 4, 2018 Questions about tengu fit on null sev. 2. I do not see any mods for the Tengu that supports drones. Make sure to adapt your hardeners according to the type of rats. null-sec. 30: Any travel survivable ship/fit suggestions? EVE Online Forums (HM Tengu for example) vs stay at zero high dps setup (HAM Tengu, Battleship). 7: 22351 I suck at min/maxing fits and especially with T3C. In 4 years i only lose 2 t3 ships. Il start with a (i think) cheap bad pve tengu: [Tengu, [PVE] Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System Support the site. Loki also has better cap and cap regen so your shield booster will last longer whereas you may need to fit a battery or rig or a module on a Tengu to run the same booster for same amount of time. Related topics Topic Low/Null Tengu Pve FIt Suggestions. (system) Closed March 2, 2018, 7:12pm 2. You should always be running 4 BCU in your lows, there is nothing else that benefits you for PVE Tengu. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! Support the site. I've used both for PvE. Try fitting a proteus and a tengu in EFT/Pyfa for the same PVE purpose and answer the question yourself. I’ve managed to find the ship in my hangar and I’d like to test it out again. I’m working on learning how Tengus Of course the Navy version and the Golem get other bonuses and fitting options, so the raw DPS doesn’t really tell the full story. 5+h to complete it, which is alot What he is saying is, the tengu can fit a oversized propmod, giving it huge damage mitigation vs rats. e. Due to L4’s constantly chewing through drones, I prefer using a Cruise Missile Raven with T2 Fury Pretty much this. You want that Pith X Large shield booster :) If you’re looking for a “cheaper” solo tengu fit, you could try something like a double LASB tank. If you live in c3 i suggest gila It’s alright you can downgrade some bling modules and it’s just a PvE fit mostly. You could very easily tank against a tengu like that in an astero and with acolytes Support the site. I wouldnt really run it unless you wanna go there in between. Support the site. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! [Tengu, Tengu fit] Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System [Empty Med slot] Both HAM and HM is OK for PVE Tengu, but expect to manually pilot your ship a lot more with HAM as you need to burn towards NPC's to get in range. But it’s the tengu that I The tengu fit I had on my mission running characters is no longer viable and I am aware of some changes. The one fit I found on youtube is meant for Gurista rats. Everywhere else its Loki FTW. zkillboard. I made this guide for my corpmates after they told me it takes 1. pve. 1: 1173: June 30, 2019 The most versatile ship duo comp for My tengu fits are all based off the old systems and I am not entirely sure of all the changes since I put the game down. Thats a weak tengu for solo pvp, one pve praxis in wh with a heavy neut is destroying you instantly. My previous “career” was null-sec exploration using two accounts, a Buzzard for probing, hacking, etc and a Tengu for all of the PvE combat. I have used a dual rep pvp fit Deimos, which seems to work well. I am already maxed for both the tengu and Loki but will happily get into either of the other 2 if need be. 6: 1142: May 24, 2020 Returning player with limited time wants to PVE. This Tengu fit is purely PvE. Fit: Tengu, Medium PVE tengu, 250hp/s, 650dps, cap stab. 6: 3493: October 19, 2018 Solo cloaky pvp tengu. Wormhole_Walter: which ship would be best suited to highsec lvl4 security missions, my The tengu in exploration fit from eveU is very hard to tackle, web and stop from warping unless said hunter is using a bling fit. Hi guys, using a Stratios to explore at the moment but Support the site. PvE We use something similar for c4/c5 wormhole work. 2k all right for nullsec ratting? Right now I’ve got this, non-blinged fit: [Tengu, Tengu test fit] Fit for PYFA is in description of the video, you can just copy it directly to PYFA. The problem is that the Tengu Offensive - Rifling Launcher Pattern allowed me to use drones. The Tengu is slightly better for PVE as it can tank like a beast. swap missiles or missile scripts as needed for small targets. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! INTRO Hi everyone, I am returning to the game after a long absence and will mostly be running missions with friends. We’d like to: Loot and salvage as we go Omni tank Not move slow as molasses I was thinking the tengu could specialize in fighting small enemies and let the golem focus on pounding the big boys, I would like to fit the Tengu Offensive - Rifling Launcher Pattern mod on my Tengu but is apparently obsolete now and has been replaced by newer technology. JonahVark (JonahVark) DED Loki/Tengu ship fits for angel/serpentis 4-8/10. It is NOT good for Serpentis sites that are known for having energy neutralizer batteries, that's something you have to do more work to deal with/change the fit entirely for. I have been searching the forums and other sources for a tengu fit for level 4 missions in gallente space. low-sec, null-sec. Lugh_Crow-Slave (Lugh Crow-Slave) April 19, 2018, 7:25am 9. Does anyone have angel 6/10 ded plex fit for tengu? EVE Online Forums Tengu ded plex. Otherwise, zip into range and blast everything to bits. 6 launchers on pve tengu! [Tengu, Tengu - PvE Minimum Spec] Ballistic Control System II Ballistic Control System II Ballistic Control System II Ballistic Control System II Invulnerability Field II Explosion Dampening Field II 10MN Afterburner II Domination Shield Boost Amplifier Gistii B-Type Small Shield Booster Gistii B-Type Small Shield Booster Drones are T2 light, and level 4 on mediums and heavies. With the hi, I am planning to try an arbitrator and run L3-L4 mission with a Tengu. 10: 11095: May 17, 2020 Level 4 tengu fit. Loki is the only T3 I can PVE activities require your ship to be cap stable with all the modules on or at least a long enough time to deal with the threat(s) you will be facing. Since a few of the 10/10 is a structure bash that regenerates HP, it might make the fit unusable. Predator 666 is one of the best Solo Tengu pilots that I know. To OP, when it comes to fitting a Tengu a smaller but cap stable SB is better IMO. Just personally speaking I like to use Loki more than Tengu tbh. I'd say work towards Tengu if your goal is purely PvE. wormhole, pve. DPS is such a misleading stat. Using drugs for k-space ratting isn’t common, but a 6B isk ratting t3c isn’t that common either, and compared to Support the site. I wwas seeking a guide for him of must know about turrets or what can he do with medium hybrid turrets as main weapon, i am laser / Obligatory "I made a wormhole PVE guide" comment. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support For a Tengu, is a shield recharge rate of 649. Tengu is still OK, situationally better then Loki anytime your targets ( either PvE or PvP ) are vulnreable to kinetic damage type. The tengu will have: Higher DPS Better range Better application Better tank This in general assumes you are running sites where dealing kinetic damage is optimal. Nullified tengu has sub 5 which grants immunity from bubbles, but you can get decloaked by good ceptor pilots, besides you can fit a extended probe launcher- you'll know if there are gankers in outgate in your system by scanning the outgate with combat probes. PvE Gameplay Center. November 20, 2018, 10:10pm 5. So PvE is the primary use for me. 9: 2770: June 21, 2018 DED sites in a VNI. I’ve also heard Loki is good on a side note but only one of my alts can fly a Loki. We want to run them together. Tengu The ineffective way to PvE is to fit a ship that is aimed at PvP, and then do PvE with it. A 100mn Tengu is an amazing pvp ship, period. So, does anyone know a good ship fit that you can use to solo one of these sites? Also, which Support the site. My goal with these ships is to be able to run combat sites solo, maybe daytripping in WH, explore relic/data etc. Edit: just noticed that you have an extender rig fitted. I think in terms of general efficiency the Tengu is gonna win. Experience something that shouldn't happen? Contact us on Discord! Support the site. Oï ! I recently took a look at what we could do in 0. don’t fly an Enforcer in any kind of PVE. with bastion, a pith x-type and two shield boost amplifier, you can tank 1100 dps (1300 heated). Maybe could squeeze three on there if you got a little creative. 3% damage application on cruisers and smaller targets for 3M isk/hr. 30: 17840: July 4, 2018 Advice on Tengu ratting fit. PvE But you would probably have to fit some faction mods to make that then work. Application is the most important thing. Fit with HAMs. I am aware that both of these ships can solo L4s, thats fine. This is a work in progress, but I can tank almost 1000 hp with the boosters heated, but the dps leaves some to be desired - only Tengu pve fit advices request for combat sites. That won't do much on this active fit. I’d love to run a Tengu for 10/10. 8: If you look at a golem, it has 0% em and 40% thermal resist. EVE Online Forums Enforcer PvE fit. 10: 2365 Support the site. cloaked pvp it actually got buffed. 5 times more at the same time i don’t want to fly Tengu i don’t like missiles that much The Tengu is far superior to the Loki imo. The idea is that usually the damage coming in is much lower than the max tank ability, so just pulse the rep once or twice when needed. Hey guys! I’d like to start running DED sites in nullsec Sansha space, but I don’t know which ship I should use. I just resubbed to the game after being gone for about three years. Does anyone know the solution to my I was wondering if a VNI is still viable in a C3 and if so how would you fit it. Loki is a very versatile ship in both weapon platforms and viability in both PvE and PvP. Swap hardeners accordingly to specific missions. Complex_Math (Complex Math) December 7, 2019, 5:12am I’m currently running primarily serpentis Havens in my VNI and have been selling my Serpentis shipyard escalations, but would like to try and actually run them. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site Tengu is a great choice for a lot of PVE, but it might need to refit based on the site. 14: Hi all, Back into Eve after 9 years away. [Tengu, Tengu Existing] Ballistic Control System II Ballistic Control System II Ballistic Control System II Support the site. Rated and Unrated. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! October 19, 2018 Tengu pve fit advices request for combat sites. Great to be back. Thanks for the input. My cat gonna die without it. All the information I’ve found is at least two or three years old. Fly an Arazu instead. Tengu pve fit advices request for combat sites. Fit budget 300-400kk. In effect, it takes 80% of blood/amarr damage. PVE fit for Tengu The Maze? (T3 rebalance) PvE Ships & Modules. Works for running high DPS sites like Besieged Covert Research Facilities and DEDs. Get your Omega codes here. Also can it be done in a HAC or BC. So i know what i can do and i know how i survive in nullsec. Much appreciated. Been out of the game for several years so trying to get back into things and Faction weapons are a nice alternative if you don’t have the fitting space, fitting levels or the specialization skills to use T2. 5: 2080: November 12, 2018 Tengu pve fit advices request for combat sites Looking for a fit to run sansha deds, would like it to be a t3c as I will be doing a lot of traveling around to do these sites, I have an alt that will do all the scanning whilst running relics etc. PvE Ships & I’ve been fiddling around with wormhole space but i have no clue how to fit a tengu to do it, if anyone can help me out i would like a fit that can do C3 sites or if you can C4 sites, i would also like to know how much isk per With that fit I get 701 dps. 30: 17857: July 4, 2018 New Pvp Tengu. I have a Rupture taking dust in the hangar because I just can’t use it, and before it I was using an artillery fit Hurricane that took forever to complete a Perimeter Ambush point, and I could only do those Before the rebalance updates on both the Cerberus & Tengu i used to run 5/10 sites in a Cerberus without a problem. Also, consider carrying a depot and swapping to the amplification noise defensive subsystem for harder sites, Wondering if anyone can share a RR tengu fit for PVE in C4/C5s? Thanks. It has to have online Sis Combat launcher. (Manu Militari) August 12, 2018, 5:24pm 3. 1 Like. Zainou ‘Snapshot’ Heavy Assault Missiles AM-703 Zainou ‘Deadeye’ Rapid Launch RL-1003. I previously had a Tengu that I used in NS but have no idea how it went. null-sec, pve. PvP Ships & Modules. What i don’t know is how to fit now a good pve t3. A Synth Crash Booster basically gives your Tengu +6. Just send me a fit and needed numbers (like “you need xxx rep/s in 10/10, xxx resists” etc) and i will arrange my skills for it. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! Hello folks , i just back to eve and i saw many changes, in my days i used a tengu with cover cloack with interdictor nullifier for move me on 00 with a mobile depot for change fit and start to sites, this way is still valid ? i ask because i see around many fit with cloak a probes fitted and they use this fit for farm without chanfing fit, my goal is move me free solo on 00 and do It lets you fit for Omni tank instead of specific tank while using roughly same amount of modules. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! Im looking to do some guristas deds in sov space but I have no ships capable of doing that atm Someone suggested a tengu but failed to share a fit for it. g I used a Proteus and Tengu back then but Proteus got nerfed to complete crap now. Hmm do you want a solo active fit or a fleet buffer fit? I’ll just give you 3 options: Tengu active solo: This is a generic PvE fit for Gurista space mostly. My skill plan is currently training towards flying a Tengu myself within the next two months. I’m based in a C1 WH with a null static, and I would like to get a ship capable of doing the anomalies / DED complexes (not the big things like The Maze, I’m not that dumb), but I’m limited to ship of medium size because of the wormhole restriction =/ Currently, Support the site. To stop the" is my tengu fit good" threads, and to make this subsection somewhat decent, post and discuss the pve tengu here. Akuma_Tsukai (Akuma Tsukai) March 4, 2018, 1:08am 4. It’s a great all-round fit you have there, but for Guristas, it tanks half as much damage and deals around 100dps less, while costing 2 billion isk more. 1 Like system1 (system) Closed August 20, 2018, 2:12pm o7 Capsuleers ! I need a updated Tengu fit for Rogue Drones DED Sites (including 10/10). powergrid, CPU, etc. When not in highsec, use a cloaky scan fitting to find the sites, than refit to full dps / tank for the site itself. Hi o/ Im lookin for Tengu fit for Blood DED sites - but i never do it before, i just saw few videos on web. My Tengu Fit: Ballistic Control System II Ballistic Control System II Pithum C-Type Medium Shield Booster EM Shield Amplifier II Multispectrum Shield a travel fit tengu will have sub 4s align which should allow you to warp from gate camps. You can try using the Jackdaw (T3 destroyer) as it overlaps with the Tengu while still being relatively cheap. Ja, Marauder oder eine Rattlesnake können diese Tengu im PvE übertrumpfen. New replies are no longer allowed. Since it was made for corpmates, it’s not really that high-quality (daym OBS!), with some typos, a bit stuttering (I really hate OBS now), but still good as guide. The more effective, but also more costly approach is A pvp fit ship needs to sustain a massive amount of damage fora short period of time. Doch entweder ist das Schiff dann teurer, benötigt mehr Skills oder ist schwieriger zu fliegen. I do some simulations. that said there is nothing it can do that a loki doesn’t do Could anyone suggest a good exploration fit for a Tengu for null/wh space? I would like to be able to manage all sites I come across, including the Superior Sleeper Cache (Am obviously happy to use a mobile depot to re-fit as necessary). my life depend on it. vni is suicide, BC can ,albeit slow, T3 cruiser or BS will chew through them. For Loki though you can Best Tengu fit for C3 is Loki [Loki, C3: Maximum DPS] Power Diagnostic System II Chili_Klaus (Chili Klaus) February 1, 2018, 4:12am 3. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! 10/10 Drone Tengu guide + fit So I’ve made this guide a while ago for my corpmates and neighbours, and today I decided to share it here too. Hi im looking for a decent solo pvp fit for hunting in wormholes etc (Bruce Kemp) October 14, 2018, 8:04am 3 [Tengu, Tengu] Reactor Control Unit II Caldari Navy Power Diagnostic System hunter with 890 DPS which seems ok but being maxed out for missiles am pretty sure I can get it higher with a good fit. Currently I think I’m in the same case as you : I have a character for each nation, even if the Minmatar is my main, I don’t use it for PVE anymore. Of course you could also already upgrade your current fit with faction mods but I don't see any need as it would increase the price and your fit already works fine. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! It all depends on the tengu fit. [Tengu, Pve HML] Caldari Navy Ballistic The Tengu is far superior to the Loki imo. So here's a cheap tengu HAM fit that preforms very well: [Tengu, PvE HAM] Ballistic Control System II Ballistic Control System II Wrath Cruise Missile, 5 [Tengu, Incisor] Tengu Defensive - Amplification Node_2 Tengu Electronics - Dissolution Sequencer_2 Tengu Offensive - Accelerated Ejection Bay_2 Tengu Propulsion - Fuel Catalyst_2 Tengu Engineering - Augmented Capacitor Reservoir_2 Support the site. I can’t really afford a rattlesnake at the moment. 30: 17877: July 4, 2018 Looking for DED Complex DPS numbers. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! I see some fits with 2x missile guidance computers so you can run 2x range or precision or 1 and 1 Tengu pve fit advices request for combat sites. Once you've got mostly level 5 . It's good for Combat though. Missions. [Tengu, XoXoXoXoXo Heavies] Ballistic Control System II Ballistic Control System II Ballistic Control System II Ballistic Control System II Damage Control II 10MN Afterburner II Dread Guristas Adaptive Invulnerability Field Dread Guristas Shield Boost Amplifier Medium Capacitor Battery II Pith C-Type Large Shield Booster Support the site. This topic was automatically closed 90 days after the last reply. My plan is to run two Tengu HAM fits, but everything I google is 1+ year old or before the T3C overhaul. PvE Ships & Modules. It runs DED 2s, 3s and 4s well. com Guristas Fleet Nyx_Nirvana (Nyx Nirvana) March 6, 2018, 1:57pm 4. If you expect to get engaged while in a site you can not leave however, that's how I would do it. Tengu Gurista LvL 4 solo fit? PvE Ships & Modules. Zash_Koba (Zash Koba) April 19, 2018, 12:30pm 1. 30: 17859: July 4, 2018 Question on the tengu for a noob. 8: 7787: October 30, 2019 Home ; Tengu pve fit advices request for combat sites. I only hack in a cruiser if I'm 100% sure that I'm alone. 2 EHP/s with EHP of 28. Chainsaw_Plankton Tengu pve fit advices request for combat sites. Comments: The current fit has omni shield for the Besieged sites. Polarized weapons as mentioned above are another option. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! Tengu Defensive - Amplification Node Tengu Offensive - Accelerated Ejection Bay Tengu Propulsion - Fuel Catalyst Tengu Core - Augmented Graviton Reactor Sisters Core Scanner Probe x8 Missile Precision Script x1 Scourge Rage Heavy Assault Missile x396 Recently i was talking with some newbies and one of them was very interested in the past in do the tengu variant called bonewalker ( or something similar, fubar fit ), but as far i can see now, medium turret is more ferox, moa and brutix. I prefer my Tengu. semi-blingy afterburner, blingy medium shield booster, A damage control is almost always wasted on a PvE fit, and you will definitely want some form of large propulsion (Fluffy Moe) May 13, 2018, 12:42am 14. cig gdshs ozqf jemhj lje rouq dvwf wwbvz noudenqa gfzj lwmdev gjesd tfnn nfdfrs cgoejz