Strapi call external api. update(query) await … #Getting Started with Angular.
Strapi call external api In the login. There is also a “Content API/ External API” which is the APIs that are auto-generated for each content type as well as anything in the top level src/api folder. To get relations if anyone is wondering is to use the populate field in the call. error: [ERROR] Error with the API call: Only absolute URLs are supported This article will explore the Strapi REST Cache Plugin and how to cache data in our Strapi application. Strapi Admin. Singular API ID: In the following tables::singularApiId refers to the value of the "API ID (Singular)" field of the content-type,; and :pluralApiId refers to the value of the "API ID (Plural)" field of the content-type. models object. API endpoints are not ‘public’ - and that a plain axios request will fail, just as your second example does. 19</details> Hi all, I’ve found a similar query to mine on stackoverflow whi Learn how to seamlessly set up an external email provider on Strapi Cloud with this step-by-step tutorial. Currently the plugin writes a json file for each API. I’ve seen some comments about setting the publishedAt field with a timestamp that would mark it as published in Strapi. Content Management. There are plenty of ways we can achieve this but for this tutorial, we will use Axios. In order to customize the responses or to add information to a path you need to create a file in the associated overrides/<file Learn in this tutorial how you can get started to create plugins with Strapi v4. This plugin allows you to either cache your data on your application's memory with InMemory cache, with Webhooks is a term you might have heard before in other apps, and you might have been hooked on it (pun intended 😉), wondering what it is about. any solution would be help-full thanking in advance. await strapi. Setting Up Axios. yes we can trigger callback by creating lambda function to create object to strapi, but by doing so we will have lotsa data REST and GraphQL APIs represent the top-level layers of the Content API exposed to external applications. I expect you need to use the URL /export-form-submissions/export in your fetch, as all plugin routes are added under a prefix consisting of the the plugin name. API tokens can be helpful to give access to people or applications without managing a user account or changing Hi, I have an endpoint called /api/groups created with Content-Type-Builder. 18. Also every strapi. You can use fetchRequest library because these calls are expected to be used by Admin Users. I’m writing a custom plugin where logged-in users can: login to to their GitHub account call a route to export some data as JSON push it to our project GitHub repository if they have access I set up a public route for GitHub to send the authorization code once logged in, for example: /plugin/callback The route needs to be public otherwise GitHub wouldn’t be able to Hi ! I’m a bit new and I’m still looking for some optimization in my code to have the best performance but, I’m crossing some problem of comprehension At first I pimped my editor. Create a new model to store external API then add a new controller with those steps: Check if requested data is present in database In this section of advanced API calls using fetch() in Strapi, you will handle Strapi internals such as file uploads and downloads, pagination, and filtering, and finally how to populate related data. The REST API reference documentation is meant to provide a quick reference for all the endpoints and parameters available. Now we are good to go. Strapi also provides 2 lower-level APIs: The Document Service API is the recommended API to interact with your Integrating Strapi with external APIs using callbacks provides a flexible and scalable way to synchronize data between services. When a new user ticks this box I want to do some API call, after Hello everyone! Is it possible to create a component (for example react-select) with help of which I can choose an item from external API and save it my Strapi database. Using Strapi as a frontend for an external REST API. maxLimit # API tokens. UI Way. 2 NPM Version: 6. Join us on October 12th, 5PM CET / 8AM PDT. ) When you use an API endpoint from a separate application, you have two options: Add an API token (generated Hey there I want to implement a functionality on strapi there is an api to find blog using slug now i want that whenever this API hits on frontend the value of a field views was incremented by 1 & gets updated in dashboard . // Call the function to initiate the process <details><summary>System Information</summary>v4. The following guides, officially maintained by the Strapi Documentation team, cover dedicated topics and provide detailed explanations (guides indicated with 🧠) or step-by-step instructions (guides indicated with 🛠️) for some use #Getting Started with React. Calling an external API from our FastAPI server: Synchronous call; Asynchronous call; Call external api from Web API Synchronously. We will <details><summary>System Information</summary>Strapi Version: v4. And then be able to select items from this response, once selected and then System Information Hello Strapi Community! I’m exploring the possibility of integrating Strapi’s Content Manager with external REST API that supports CRUD operations for entities. Integrating external APIs into a Nuxt. Maximum allowed number that can be requested as limit (see REST You get the power and flexibility to choose, while the presentation channel best fits your content model. models. js I'm trying deploy Strapi on AWS, but when I'm launching pm2, then I'm getting error: "Knex: Timeout acquiring a connection. js**) Thanks for your response. js; even if it is being set to read the value from environment, as it is shows in the server documentation example. Inside the create class: Other approaches, like tRPC (TypeScript Remote Procedure Calls), already include TypeScript in their name. If I understand correctly what you are trying to do - internal REST call is odd. #Authenticated request. 04: -mysql: v16. ** object (ex: strapi. Maintaining Security Standards. In Strapi 5, the response format has been simplified and flattened, and attributes of requested content are no longer wrapped in an attributes object. show post in topic I am logged-in in the admin ui of Strapi as superadmin. (The point of using the ‘get’ helper is that it adds the bearer authorization automatically. Using Strapi we will model simple Tasks data using Hi aleaff! What you should probably do is to develop a custom route with a controller / service logic which you can read about in the Strapi docs in the Development / Back-end customization segment (Back-end customization - Strapi Developer Docs). Discover the basics of plugin creation. Thoughtful design helps maintain optimal performance. @sunnyson Do you have any idea ? Or anyone. 16 Yarn Version:</details> Hi Guys, i have a Problem System Information I have two content type one is {directors} and another is {movies}. Create APIs. 2 Operating System: Windows 11 Database: SQLite Node Version: v18. This has solved my issue, but I can’t seem to call the endpoint without adding auth: false to the config. js handler on the strapi server, and have it enter the information into the database. . There is an “Internal admin API” for plugin-specific or core admin api calls. I was wondering if it’s possible to create a custom search input component that when you type, it makes a query to an external endpoint. Therefore, it can handle the entire backend for your application, leaving you with the flexibility to choose whatever frontend technology you’d like to As mentioned in some comments, building the application in a Continues Integration system and deploying the code to different environments will not work with Strapi, as it’s hard-coding the url value from config/server. If you haven't gone through the Quick Start Guide, the way you request a Strapi API with React (opens new window) remains the same except that you dunods 220d ago. thats not what im trying to achieve, where the scenario are the strapi has its own database as a micro services and there are some other external api that we want to manage/manipulate within the strapi admin dashboard. When this API hits, it will fetch data from another API service and store the strap as well. Calling API from a Admin component **\src\plugins\plugin-name\admin\src\components\componentName\index. By following these steps, you’ve learned General settings for API calls can be set in the . internet banking Strapi behaviour regarding ever tokens is correct since there are lots of framworks handling tokens in various ways, but for the above mentioned concern the token management must be deferred to a third party service. Regards, sharan kumar M. The response from the CMS API is in JSON format. Currently, I have the weather-logs query and population in the locations controller, but this means that the POST request to locations takes upwards of 5 seconds due Strapi 5 has a new, flattened response format for API calls. Here it is in the docs : Strapi custom controllers Last project I finished required custom Strapi controllers. ; How to call default API endpoint in custom plugin? Questions and Answers. This method will call the external sourc @DMehaffy There are cases where security is a concern and API tokens MUST expire, e. js provides a flexible and straightforward approach to make HTTP requests to APIs. Is it possible in Strapi to create custom field in collection, value of which I will choose with help of custom select inside of which will be list of Global API response configuration: Object-responses. I am working on a migration from <details><summary>System Information</summary>Strapi Version: Operating System: Database: Node Version: NPM Version: Yarn Version:</details> I am a newbie to Strapi v4 and I know how to create a data entry within the Strapi Admin dashboard for a collec APIs enable your applications to interact with external services for added functionality without extra coding. 3 Operating System: Windows 10 Database: MongoDB Node Version: 12. Craft experiences and <details><summary>System Information</summary>Strapi Version: 4. This feature is in our roadmap (opens new window). js recommends using the Axios module for making API calls. also interested in a solution. Pierre November 14, 2020, 3:55pm 5. /api/**/models folders will be parsed into the strapi. Strapi also provides 2 lower-level APIs: The Entity Service API is the recommended API to interact with your application's database within the backend server or through plugins. To integrate Strapi with an external API, create a new Strapi plugin by running the following command: strapi generate plugin my-external-api-plugin This will create a new directory my-external-api-plugin containing the necessary files for a Strapi plugin. From a high-level perspective, it seems quite straightforward: Define the entity schema that I intend to work with. For the endpoint, a custom action will be defined too to be able to fetch external data. Strapi is evolving every day and we are always looking for feedback from the community! During this community call, we’re going to demo the custom fields and new API token, answer your questions about our product decisions and share what’s coming next. In order to customize the responses or to add information to a path you need to create a file in the associated overrides/<file-name>. ; I am logged-in in the admin ui of Strapi as superadmin. I’m able to call the API with an async function, but once I have the JSON data from the API, I’m not able to access the URL for the photos. Author. 15. getToken(), doesn’t seems to be correct one, as same token is being used in Headers Authorization when calling /admin/renew-token api using request method from ‘strapi-helper-plugin’. Or if the above method is not possible, fetch data to a separate table and use it as a relational field. Since a few days I am trying to deploy my next. Here we will create the HTTP client used for requests and responses. users. update(query) await You must properly type your constants, parameters etc if you’re using Typescript Here, you are prompted to select a field for the Post collection type - this is where we design the data structure for a post in our blog. To achieve this, Nuxt. My plugin is making one api call to /api/data route (which is a normal custom controller under src/api/data) I get always 401 and logged-out const { get } = getFetchClient(); const response = await get('/api/data'); my routes/data. Data that comes from an api is large, so I don’t want to set it manually. Global API response configuration: Object-responses. For example: I have external API with list of p I want to create an API in the Strapi. 0 or OpenID Connect to verify the identity of users accessing the API. show post in topic. I want to add additional fields to data from api, that’s why I don’t just fetch it directly. 2 the JWT token obtained by using function auth. Are you missing a . transacting(trx) call? When you use an API endpoint from within a plugin, you are probably using that code from within the Strapi Admin UI - and the user will then be ‘authenticated’. System Information I have managed to successful create external registration and log in forms, which utilise the Strapi API. I’m writing a custom plugin where logged-in users can: login to to their GitHub account call a route to export some data as JSON push it to our project GitHub repository if they have access I set up a public route for GitHub to send the authorization code once logged in, for example: /plugin/callback The route needs to be public otherwise GitHub wouldn’t be able to System Information Hello there, I found the solution. When developing an API, you inherently also create its types. <details><summary>System Information</summary>Strapi Version: 4. This method will call the external source using Axios to get data from it. When using filters you can either pass simple filters in the root of the query parameters or pass them in a _where parameter. It will be on Read-Only mode . Indeed, React will communicate to Strapi, by making HTTP requests. Filters are used as a suffix of a field name: Filter Description; No suffix or eq: Hi ! I’m a bit new and I’m still looking for some optimization in my code to have the best performance but, I’m crossing some problem of comprehension At first I pimped my editor. However, the most commonly used APIs are still simple JSON APIs (often called REST APIs). A complete guide to image upload, linking, update, and deletion in Strapi. Maybe this helps someone. Cross-Platform Technology. I can create a heading that shows the title of each Pet Picture, for example, but I cannot use standard object notation to access the URL in the JSON data and then display the image. Never mind, found the answer. First create a webhook from Strapi: Then create a custom api in particular content type directory. I don’t want to disable the authentication. 22. My client would like to be able to administrate her orders, whether creating or updating them from Strapi’s dashboard. The Entity Service is the layer that handles Strapi's complex How can we add external sources in strapi??? Strapi Community Forum You can call it like this: strapi. To write the output of a code recipe into a DSS flow, you should use the Dataiku API to write either in a dataset or in a managed folder. json (the name of the file matters so make sure they are similar). If you need external synthetic keys then you create a unique column and use that as your key for all transactions and work, however then need to write custom Stapi API calls or lifecycle hooks to find the internal strapi id based on the unique synthetic key. services: Create custom services: A custom service that only Ensuring the security of APIs is paramount in today's digital landscape. We assume that you have fully completed its "Hands-on" path, and therefore can consume the API by browsing this url (opens new window). Upload any kind of file on your server or external providers. You need to define some permissions to access it inside the role settings from Strapi Admin #Authenticated request. 5: ubuntu 18. e. Strapi auto filters relations. Sharing you a solution which I have used to call the Api from the plugin’s route, controller without using middleware. Custom Routes for External Data with GraphQL. 20. Here are some best practices to consider: Authentication and Authorization: Implement robust authentication mechanisms such as OAuth 2. You need to define some permissions to access it inside the role settings from Strapi Admin This blog post will teach you how to achieve type safety in a front-end application used for your Strapi backend. Craft experiences and easily manage editing, publishing, and translation. Authentication strategies in Strapi can either be based on the use of the Users & Permissions plugin or on the built-in API token feature. 5 Yarn Version: 1. This guide is a workaround to achieve this feature before we support it We used Strapi’s Document Service API to pull content metrics directly from our backend and create a simple, yet effective, summary of our data. g. API parameters can be used when querying API endpoints to refine the results. 14. Note: this is working fine in local, but not on production. It seems like I can’t call controller in REST and GraphQL APIs represent the top-level layers of the Content API exposed to external applications. I figured out how to have internal routes used by the plugin, and routes that can be called externally. export = [ { method: 'GET', path I can create new articles in Strapi via API, but there is no documentation about publishing. After that we will see the authentication workflow to get a JWT and use it for an API request. product'). But how can you connect to any frontend framework. 0 Yarn Version: 1. It is very confusing that the original file generated by generator looks like: module. Learn how to upload images to Strapi using REST API with Next. Is there a way to post images to ‘/upload’ from an external URL. As far as my knowledge, Strapi supports writing API tokens. August 26, 2021. Then you just need to identify the path you want to modify. 4</details> Hello, My client would like to be able to administrate her orde There is an “Internal admin API” for plugin-specific or core admin api calls. I have a NodeJS app (based on Strapi) and an external API from a Cloud Servers provider. prefix: The API prefix: String /api: rest. This is the setup for /routes/index. How do I include authentication to the request? STRAPI v 3. In /api/content-type/routes/content-type. Let us design the data structure in the following way: title with data type "Text" (required). Use role-based access control (RBAC) to ensure that users have the Along the way, in this article, you will learn how to create a custom API endpoint with Strapi. Questions and Answers. js] import NextAuth from "next-auth" import DiscordProvider from "next-auth/providers/discord" export default NextAuth({ // Configure one or more authentication providers providers: [ DiscordProvider({ clientId: process. 0 Operating System: Database: Node Version: NPM Version: Yarn Version:</details> Hi, Values we specify in Enumeration field we can select from drop-down list within Strapi, which is und I want to display my external API data in to my strapi admin panel. Create a new model to store external API then add a new controller with those steps: Check if requested data is present in database (using an unique ID or any way to identify the data for example) If data Learn how to create a custom API endpoint with Strapi, enable the GraphQL plugin and allow the custom API endpoint to query through GraphQL with custom schema and resolvers. I have tried to add the data in the following ways: Using As I see it Strapi needs these internal keys to work, metedata and all that. defaultLimit: Default limit parameter used in API calls (see REST API documentation) Integer: 25: rest. Here is how I did it : Challenge: Now comes the challenging part that is how to integrate/display the external services into the Strapi admin panel UI. I also import products from external source - but I do it by using these two calls - depending on my control hash value and if product exists or not. In case you are a gamer and an avid programmer too. should be updated every time) Strapi Community Forum Is it possible to fetch data to an enumeration field from external API? Questions and Answers. In case you want to connect a React application with Strapi, we say that React is the client and Strapi the system. We are using okta as SSO, which after This tutorial will teach you how to add an external database to your Strapi Cloud account. Shifting from human-prone errors, we will find ourselves dealing with the unexpected ways users interact with our system or limitations placed on the external API our projects interact with. ** object is merged with the model's instance returned by the ORM (Mongoose, Bookshelf). The process I follow is as: Call the cloud servers provider to authorise and get an access token. js site with strapi as api in a dockerized environment. So this breaks the III of the The first one determines that the API can be accessible from external calls like a classical rest API. Strapi webhooks are user-defined HTTP callbacks used by an Hello everyone! Is it possible to create a component (for example react-select) with help of which I can choose an item from external API and save it my Strapi database. 5. It is known as a headless CMS because it serves only as the backend infrastructure for your application. When doing it like the example you mentioned it returns me a 401 unauthorized and logs me out of the strapi application? This is my call: import React, { Okay. /config/api. So this breaks the III of the You say in your first question that an plain axios request returns the data from your endpoint and that the API endpoint was set up to be ‘public’ (not requiring authorisation). Community Edition. Using Strapi we will model simple Tasks data using It gives you full control of the content via API calls. Home ; System Information Hi all, I’ve found a similar query to mine on stackoverflow which doesn’t seem to have any working answers: I wasn’t able to find any information on how to do this in the Strapi documentation either. db. js file: and add the function inside This guide explains how to fetch data from an external service to use it in your app. 1. 5 Operating System: linux Database: mysql Node Version: v14. Data is successfully stored within Strapi. 2: 8. I’m currently using the tinyCME Hi @aw30,. external API call response. The Document Service API is Strapi's new Content API, designed to replace Can I create a method that will call on demand from the strapi project to get the data from external services? Basically, I need to call a method when I route to some collection. Strapi then generates REST API endpoints that you can use with any frontend of your choice. Robert_Elite December 1, 2021, 1:30pm 3. 1. 6. 0. Abe_Kim December 1, 2021, 3:40am 2. Strapi gives developers the freedom to use their favorite tools and frameworks while allowing editors to easily manage their content and distribute it anywhere. I have found myself stuck on the updating of stored details, which produce a Just pass the data to a . We can have any API ready using the Strapi CMS with a few steps. I now need to add the data to Strapi. Strapi Community Forum Image URL not showing on API Call Strapi v4. If you haven't gone through the Quick Start Guide, the way you request a Strapi API with Angular (opens new window) remains the same except that you You must properly type your constants, parameters etc if you’re using Typescript Here, you are prompted to select a field for the Post collection type - this is where we design the data structure for a post in our blog. Random User API Generate random names, addresses, and profile pictures. Cretu Razvan. If you haven't gone through the Quick Start Guide, the way you request a Strapi API with Python (opens new window) remains the same except that you Discover the top email providers such as Resend, Sendgrid, Nodemailer, and Mailgun and integrate them into your Strapi App. 19</details> Hi all, I’ve found a similar query to mine on stackoverflow whi As mentioned in some comments, building the application in a Continues Integration system and deploying the code to different environments will not work with Strapi, as it’s hard-coding the url value from config/server. services[serviceName]. A self-hosted and Enterprise-ready Edition Create a component that interacts with the backend of Strapi: REST API queries from the front-end: Understand how services and controllers can play together: Controllers vs. 4: N/A:</details> I created an image with Strapi v3 and the thumbnails data was returned with the call below: api/floating-footer?populate[sponsors][populate]=*&locale=en But now that I have updated to strapi v4 when creating image I’m not sure the thumbnails are The more complex our systems get, the more resource intensive our processes and requests become. It allows to call the ORM methods through the strapi. It's a quick way to get comfortable with API calls and dynamic content updates. An external API that provides callback functionality; Step 1: Set up a new Strapi plugin. Maybe create a contact-card generator that refreshes with each "new user" click Image URL not showing on API Call Strapi v4. The leading Open-Source Headless CMS. These System Information Hey guys, i’m in the research of a CMS to use for my app, and one of the requirements is to be able to integrate external databases. Strapi generates an API for you to access your content. You get the power and flexibility to choose, while the presentation channel best fits your content model. 10. find()). stevewlrls May 30, 2023, 6:43am 2. Directors has relation with movies. In this guide we will see how you can create an API token system to execute request as an authenticated user. Should’ve watched the V4 deep dive more closely, about the REST API at around the 5:07 mark. Nuxt. Call the Strapi to get the list of servers I have added as content type As mentioned in some comments, building the application in a Continues Integration system and deploying the code to different environments will not work with Strapi, as it’s hard-coding the url value from config/server. js application enhances its functionality by allowing it to interact with other services and data sources. Strapi REST Cache Plugin caches incoming GET requests on the Strapi API based on query params and model ID. The system queries many external APIs and scrapes web pages to get the data. We are very excited to announce that the Webhooks feature is now available in the latest version of Strapi released today! The full changelog can be found in the repository here. This section of the documentation is for the REST API reference. It works fine in Strapi as the article appears published, but it doesn’t seem to trigger a webhook event. This is a companion discussion topic for the # What is an API? API is the acronym for Application Programming Interface, which is a software intermediary that allows two applications to talk to each other. ts is: This article will explore the Strapi REST Cache Plugin and how to cache data in our Strapi application. I am new in NodeJS and I try to write code based on tutorials I find online. To install Axios in our Is there a way to call a function after an API call has been completed? I have a content-type locations that once posted will look up weather data and add 365 rows to another content-type weather-logs. The attribute names must be unique. I can connect, but it doesn’t create a new entry. # strapi. Enterprise Edition. Vadim May 24, 2022, 6:00pm 2. ; These values are defined when creating a content-type in the Content-Type Builder, and can be found while editing a content-type in the admin panel (see Inside this package, create a new Java class file and call it ApiClient. Design REST and GraphQL Content Delivery APIs to connect to any frontend. (trying to get data from my Webbrowser) or to resolve the api call using a public DNS! docker; nginx; docker-compose In this case you just need to publish both frontend and backend through your reverse proxy and use the external URLs Plural API ID vs. Develop an adapter for the external API to bridge calls from Strapi’s REST API Guides. js file as the external JavaScript file. niluminda February 19, Can I create a method that will call on demand from the strapi project to get the data from external services? Basically, I need to call a method when I route to some collection. In this article, we'll be giving 10 reasons why you should use an API CMS as a developer. plugins System Information Hi! I am not sure what the best practice is to reach my goal: In my registration process I have a checkbox “register to newsletter”. Guides . I see two ways you can change this. DISCORD_CLIENT_ID, Strapi supports custom controllers and is quite impressive. js file, we added the auth. Data synced to external systems like Hubspot, Insightly, Firestore, and WordPress. I cannot seem to get the auth to write to the strapi DB. If the API call is synchronous, it means that the code <details><summary>System Information</summary>Strapi Version: Operating System: Database: Node Version: NPM Version: Yarn Version:</details> I am a newbie to Strapi v4 and I know how to create a data entry within the Strapi Admin dashboard for a collec #Getting Started with Python. Security is crucial when Every JavaScript or JSON file located in the . I am working on a page which allows users to update their details, such as first and last names, email address, and password. For example: I have external API with list of products. (data from external API can be change over time. I would not recommend executing JS files manually. IS it possible? This topic has been created from a Discord post (1227528784823975996) to give it more visibility. ts is: Hi i am trying to import my data locally to my dev env an i encounter this issue. I’m currently using the tinyCME (quite enough easy to custom), So my use case is the following: After create my preview to check the post before submit it, I make a function which parse the Hi @aw30,. privateAttributes: Set of globally defined attributes to be treated as private. Chat with the Strapi team on the Community Call. js and the register. 3 NPM Version: v6. By default when creating the python recipe, DSS has automatically generated a few lines of code to let you write a DataFrame in the output dataset. This integration guide is following the Quick Start Guide. <details><summary>System Information</summary>Strapi Version: 3. Product. # Introduction To show you many of the concepts on the roles and permissions part, we will use many users and roles. In the content type builder, remove the <details><summary>System Information</summary>Strapi Version: 4. env. Queries to Strapi Content API can use several API parameters: Filters; Sort; Limit; Start; Publication State; Locale # Filters. js file: Set of globally defined attributes to be treated as private. Setting up a Strapi Backend. From my experience, the default is the opposite - i. This API, in essence, gives you a URL that then returns a "whatever" JSON object. js and Postman. In this guide you will see how you can request the API as an authenticated user. In this example we will see how to daily fetch Docker pull count to store the result in your Strapi automatically creates API endpoints when a content-type is created. maxLimit #Overriding the suggested documentation. Strapi has a built-in mecanism for this Hello everyone, maybe it’s a dumb question, but how do I can set the data from a third-party api to strapi. Sharan Ah, your Post schema already contains a tags field which is defined as a oneToMany relation to Tag. We will have one group of users that will Discover the essentials of API data validation in Strapi with this comprehensive tutorial on building a secure and efficient blog application. [nextauth. This is how the movies content type looks: But when i try to get the request for directors with I need to update Strapi tables from my node program I have a system that updates information about companies. update(query) await #Getting Started with Angular. The pool is probably full. Doing a axios request without authorization to this endpoint inside my plugin returns me the data because it is open for public. We need to make API calls to an external crypto API endpoint (for real time exchange rates). 0 NPM Version: 9. Introduction. Strapi is the leading open-source Headless CMS. query('api::product. You should probably use fetch API to GET your data into the Strapi server first (the best way is to either do it in a Strapi Community Forum Call controller from an external api's request AND / OR strapi's admin dashboard. Otherwise I get a 401. You've come in the right Discover how Strapi's flexible APIs empower e-learning platforms to solve challenges in content management, course automation, and seamless integrations. Webhooks. 19. Using API tokens allows executing a request on REST API or GraphQL API endpoints as an authenticated user. maxLimit Optimize API calls by minimizing unnecessary requests and consider using caching where possible. We also have I am a newbie to Strapi v4 and I know how to create a data entry within the Strapi Admin dashboard for a collection type. String array [] rest: REST API configuration: Object-rest. fetchData() in cron or in a controller, if your external source has API you can replace puppeteer logic with Axios requests, otherwise if you want to get data from HTML code then you should get it with puppeteer #Overriding the suggested documentation. This plugin allows you to either cache your data on your application's memory with InMemory cache, with Strapi is an awesome technology that can be included as part of a tech stack for creating full-fledged applications. What I would like to do is to fetch the data from an This is how you can do that in a Strapi. clhsr gypsbk wuv lmfag cunk kpcfm nhyhzps irl lwjtyr doi gvqayoz jkfjwmy ovqv nujcazb egs