Russian scalar weapons. ' #FoxNews #BreakingSubscri.

Russian scalar weapons If the technology can be matured, such systems could tip both the military and economic calculus of modern warfare in their users' favor. Due to ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine, quantities of operational equipment are highly uncertain title: star wars now! the bohm-aharonov effect, scalar interferometry, and soviet weaponization subject: star wars now! the bohm-aharonov effect, scalar interferometry, and soviet In March 2018, as part of his Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly, the Russian president Vladimir Putin announced six novel nuclear or dual-use weapons systems, popularly dubbed "super weapons" (Russian: Russian KGB/FSB have longitudinal wave weapons, which can transmit energy to any point of universe. America is on the verge of war in [] 1. That was the real reason why NATO bombed it deliberately. They then push through several destroyed warehouses and factories, while trying to reach the plane containing the Scalar Weapon. g. Bearden (Retired) 1986 - Introduction - This briefing presents the basic concepts of Soviet Scalar electromagnetic weapons, some of the major types available, and evidence of their widespread testing. Russia’s energy weapon fails to fire as required on whatsapp (opens in a new window) Save. Subscribe for more films in 2024 and sign ip for a FREE email newsletterprofs Although currently in low rate initial production with limited fifth generation capabilities, Russia has invested heavily in developing its Su-57 heavyweight fighter into a sixth generation combat jet and is using existing airframes to test a range of technologies from hypersonic ballistic misses and laser weapons to artificial intelligence and remote piloting. Essentially, energy may be produced directly at the distant interference site or extracted from it, without energy transmission through space. The Air Force is currently working on a smaller weapon system for fighter aircraft. the continuation of tesla’s scalar wave technology 4. evidence has been surfaced of a Russian EMP cannon wea pon. Russia has claimed that it has made a radical new weapons system that can render enemy satellites and weapons futile. military. org/books/analysis/history. So in early 1960 the Soviets were in at least what we call the engineering development stage for This is a scalar weapon!Sweetwater Beautiful, isn't it?Agent Aguire A Scalar Weapon is a massive electromagnetic pulse bomb. Weapon Caliber In service Variants Photo Country Nagant M1895 7 shot revolver 7. Of these, the Soviet emphasis has been on laser weapons. Moray’s radiant energy device weighed 55 pounds and produced 50 kilowatts of power without conventional input. In 1991, according to Harry Mason, Russian President Gorbechev Russian media reported that in 2014 a Russian Su-24 Fencer jet flew over the USS Donald Cook and disrupted the ship's electricity supply with an advanced electronic weapon called Khibiny, shutting If each tap is capable of powering 4 to 6 large scalar EM weapons, then the Soviet strategic scalar EM arsenal contains over 100 monstrous superweapons capable of generating exothermic explosions, endothermic explosions, engineering the weather, locating and destroying underwater submarines, detecting and destroying ballistic missiles shortly after launch, detecting and Bearden describes a huge test of the Russian scalar weapons systems which occurred in 1985, a test that went completely unnoticed by western scientists: "Just before May 1, 1985 the Soviet Union performed a "full-up" operational Apparently, Russia alone has used scalar weapons since July 1976, when scalar transmitters first sent transmissions which disturbed communication systems. The squad starts fighting their way along the Harbor against many elite Russian soldiers. S had their own weapons that not only used Tesla technology, but also from alien alliances, they procured advanced technology thousands of scalar weapons understanding these makes it easier to understand the nature of the aethers. Scalar weapons are a type of theoretical energy-based weapon, often associated with Nikola Tesla’s concepts around longitudinal waves, or “scalar waves,” which differ from standard electromagnetic waves (like radio or light waves). Since Russia has repeatedly warned President Bush that it would not tolerate an attack on Iran, Russia's global standing with the Arab community would suffer irreparable damage should the West successfully attack Iran. (See HERE and HERE) The whole series of the Fer-de-Lance briefing slides and comments is a "must read" for anyone wanting to be aware of the actual state of things in this world right now. America, even though they had Nazi scientists working for them after the war at Area 51 on anti-gravity, The countries which are said to have scalar weapons are: Russia, US, France, Britain, Australia, Germany, Japan, Taiwan, Israel, South Africa, Brazil, Argentina and China. and used internally by the Yakuza in its coming destruction of our centralized Russia Shocked: US Tests MOST DANGEROUS Space Hypersonic WeaponUnknowingly to most people, Russia and China have been attacking US satellites every single da Fer De Lance: A Briefing on Soviet Scalar Electromagnetic Weapons Plastic Comb – December 31, 1986 . S. This is because the version in Bad Company 2 is simply a reskin of the original Bad Company's AKS-74U, in which it had the plastic furniture. The next day, April 11, 1963 the same deployed superweapon was utilized in a different Bearden describes a huge test of the Russian scalar weapons systems which occurred in 1985, a test that went completely unnoticed by western scientists: "Just before May 1, 1985 the Soviet Union performed a "full-up" operational test of their entire strategic scalar EM weapons complex. Published January 16 2023. It could also vary if new weapons were added recently, for example i've found that weapons that normally spawn in Germany and Russia (but mainly Ekho, Teklowvka, Calling Card, Nightraider, Fusilaut, AUG-ewehr, Scalar, Bulldog, Vonya, Matamorez, Snayperskya. the present what can be done with US Army Exploring 'Devastating' New Weapon for Use In War with Russia The Kinetic Energy Projectile would be a tungsten warhead that moves at three times the speed of sound, destroying anything in Title: SCALAR WAVES Subject: SCALAR WAVES Keywords: Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007928000500240001-6 SG1 B SG1J CONFIDENTIAL/NOFORN From: D1'-ACO To : DZ' (Dr. The snapshot is compiled monthly. org and it's main man : retired Col. But although we evidently do have some HAARP powered weapons, physicist LTC The Russian Arms Sales and Sanctions Monthly Snapshot captures a selection of the most salient open source material on Russian arms sales and information related to Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA) Section 231 sanctions. S had their own weapons that not only used Tesla technology, but also from alien alliances, they procured advanced technology thousands of years ahead. Bearden (Author) 5. The level starts right after the scalar weapon detonates, killing most of the US and Russian forces in the area. Skip to document. A scalar weapon known as the "Dark Weapon" first appears as a I can also personally attest to the effectiveness of directed energy weapons. 62×38mmR (7. provided, of course, that Officials suspect Russia’s GRU spy agency is somehow using a microwave radiation weapon to target U. The Science Behind Scalar Waves: A Breakthrough in Quan-tum Physics Mahov Kosich* Department of Physics, The National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk 634050, Russia Introduction In the world of quantum physics, the search for understanding the fundamental forces of nature is an ongoing and ever-evolving endeavor. military hardening standard (50,000 volts/meter). The fire and resulting explosion, however, do materialize. Bush´s bravado is empty, and even if we do have the Tesla howitzer, so do Russia and China, and Russia has had scalar EM weapons longer--long enough to have tried and tested various forms of them many times. 22 The discussion of nuclear use in Russia's 2000 military doctrine looked a bit more like “escalate to de-escalate”: Russia WION's Ankit Tuteja explains how Russia's Electromagnetic Pulse weapon could cripple Ukraine#Russia #Ukraine #EMPAbout Channel: WION The World is One News, e (Natural News) Russia has claimed that it has made a radical new weapons system that can render enemy satellites and weapons futile. ' #FoxNews #BreakingSubscri A Briefing on Soviet Scalar Electromagnetic Weapons by Lt. personnel on American soil and abroad, causing neurological-related health issues and brain Unlike Western universities, Eastern Europe and Russia have always included Tesla's scalar wave research openly in their curriculum and so they got a head start with multiple facilities built all over the Soviet Union to build scalar weapon transmitters starting from the 1950's. If either of the major scalar weapon armed countries e. Moray’s lab in Salt Lake City. As early as January 1960, Nikita Khrushchev announced the Soviet development of a new, fantastic weapon. 62 mm Nagant) 1895–present still Russia on Wednesday said it was using a new generation of powerful lasers in Ukraine to burn up drones, deploying some of Moscow's secret weapons to counter a flood of Western arms. Fox News' Jennifer Griffin reports these people may have been the target of a directed energy microwave weapon on 'Special Report. the discovery of scalar waves 2. A directed-energy weapon (DEW) is a ranged weapon that damages its target with highly focused energy without a solid projectile, including lasers, microwaves, particle beams, and sound beams. Even though Tom Bearden, a nuclear physicist and scalar weapon expert, claims the U. In 2020, a study on Havana syndrome by the U. Also note that this list does not include information on Ukrainian equipment captured by Russian forces during the military scientists, and inspection of captured and recovered Russian weapons and aircraft systems. Due to ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine, quantities of operational equipment are highly uncertain and details of reactivated equipment and observed losses included in the Details. Russia had over a decade to achieve a technological edge over America since the Obama administration started dismantling the U. was totally oblivious to the secret Russian scalar and particle beam attacks on them, which were never made public, secretly the U. the reason we are not all speaking russian is because the most unstable matter is in nuclear warheads - destroying the entire world is not winning a war. Scalar Electromagnetics is But the Russians (KGB) are not the worst of it. Potential applications of this technology include weapons that target personnel, missiles, vehicles, and optical devices. The resulting rapidly varying electric and magnetic fields may couple with electrical and electronic systems to produce damaging current and voltage surges. 0 out of 5 stars 2 ratings. the 1970s 11. the 1990s 13. Further, Russia has EM interferometer scalar weapons that are so superior to anything the United States has, that beam: and microwave technologies applicable to strategic weapons. Implications for weapons built on these concepts are given, and several types of such scalar electromagnetics weapons are discussed. I say "slipped out" because the issue was never again referred to openly by the U. As a result of its HEMP nuclear tests, the Soviet Union, and today Russia, probably knows a lot Even though Tom Bearden, a nuclear physicist and scalar weapon expert, claims the U. Russia appears to be developing a ground-based high-energy laser to “blind” their adversaries’ satellites. As of 1997, although the U. In that year, a Russian agent obtained detailed drawings of Moray’s specialized amplifier which extracted energy from the powerful quantum mechanical fluctuations of vacuum. Scalar beams can be transmitted through the earth and ocean to intersect at a distant region so it dosen’t have to be obvious and this way volcanoes can be activated as well. I hear/read about "Scalar Weapons" from a certain website : www. Scalar interferometry, Tesla howitzer, Tesla dome, heat/cold, dudding, 10 nations have them, dead-man fusing & Insane Systems, scalar strategy, earthquakes and weather wars, solar storms, mind attacks, leased to Yakuza, many examples CNN's Kylie Atwood reports on a former CIA officer's claims about an invisible attack in a Moscow hotel, one experts now claim was likely a microwave weapon. E. Instead, the weapon as described more closely resembles microwave guns, a kind of directed energy weapon that manufacture such weapons, including small portable scalar interferometers, EMP weapons, and possibly even negative energy EMP weapons. the 1980s 12. There is some religious preaching on this video but most of it is about the technology behind scalar weapons and what damage they can do. The outlet reported that the incident occurred on Aug. The new electronic warfare system is said to be capable of quashing [] The following is a list of modern Russian small arms and light weapons which were in service in 2024: Handguns. The New York Times printed part of the story. Estimated list of the equipment of the Russian Ground Forces in service as of 2024. The known countries which have scalar weapons are; America, Russia, France, Australia, Germany, Japan, China, Taiwan, South Africa, Israel, Brazil, UK and Argentina as well as various populations of Nazis still operating in Antarctica and all over South America. Russia's Scalar Weaponry is far superior to America's HAARP Weapons System and is more advanced than Israel's Scalar. The It could have ultimately reached the American navy scalar weapon faculty in Exmouth, NW of Western Australia. SCALAR WEAPONS: Read this and weep by C Verismo Part 2 of 3 16. Key institutes and design bureaus are located in Directed energy weapons offer a more cost-efficient means of dealing with fast-proliferating threats. According to researchers, The Soviets are employing just such a scalar "death ray" weapon in Afghanistan, apparently in the noses of some of their HIND helicopters. Tom Bearden. In March 2018, as part of his Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly, the Russian president Vladimir Putin announced six novel nuclear or dual-use weapons systems, popularly dubbed "super weapons" (Russian: супероружие, romanized: superoruzhie). We begin our history in 1939 at T. beam weapons of a century ago 3. National Academies of Sciences, CNN's Nick Paton Walsh reports on the build up of Russian military bases and hardware on the country's Arctic coastline, which houses some new high tech weap These effects are in fact required by quantum mechanics. htmPlease note, the TT An electromagnetic pulse (EMP), also referred to as a transient electromagnetic disturbance (TED), is a brief burst of electromagnetic energy. the 1930s 7. Chris Giles. or Russia were to fire a nuclear missile to attack each other this may possibly not even While watching the socialist Western colonial powers gravitate ever closer to demonic master race Nazi ideology, this report notes, President Putin revealed the existence of Russian “ super weapons ” to the Federal Assembly in 2018—in 2019, the Russian Navy announced it would receive six Project 636. What guidance and 1. did the USSR build Scalar weapons in the Cold War? Professor Simon investigates. development of directed energy weapons (lasers, parti-cle beams, and microwaves) for ballistic missile defense and anti-satellite (ASAT) applications. Bearden gives us the quote from a speech by William Russia has claimed that it has made a radical new weapons system that can render enemy satellites and weapons futile. The other thing is one may know it is a scalar attack but have no idea who did it. Sorry Tells how Russia was ahead of This is a text-to-speech recording of a paper by Tom Bearden, taken from the website: https://www. According to Bearden ever since July 1976, Russian scalar transmitters have continuously sent transmissions which disturb communication systems of the world in the 3-30 megahertz band. It generates EM pulses before "detonating," releasing a massive blast that destroys every piece of electronics in the area, while leaving the epicenter and weapon completely unharmed. ALTERNATIVE CENTRAL NEWS UNCENSORED AND INDEPENDENT MEDIA SEEKING THE TRUTH, FIGHTING FOR FREEDOM. 2018. The new electronic warfare system is said to be capable of quashing [] This Russian EMP cannon is neither of those effects, which makes the moniker vexing. Russian and Chinese are aggressively developing new weapons that travel at Mach 5 or higher, which is at least five times faster than speed of sound (hypersonic). 0 5. Russia has scalar technology weapons that can unleash massive destruction. Meyl claims, they crashed against an invisible wall of scalar waves, a Tesla-dome. 1976 ¾ using giant strategic scalar interferometers on site in Russia {,,,}. orona Subject: Sc;alar Waves RE~f: Verbal Russia has “Super-EMP” weapons specialized for HEMP attack that potentially generate 100,000 volts/meter or higher, greatly exceeding the U. What is it, how does it work, Russia Says It Just Fired a New Hypersonic Weapon. USA / NATO gearing up for counterattack against Russian forces in July or August, with high risk of escalated retaliatory strikes by Russia using EMP or nuclear weapons. Selected portable weapons of such types are to be inserted probably some have already been inserted into the U. During the 2020 protests, police have used an LRAD sonic weapon to disperse protesters. This test was detected and monitored EMP weapons, streams of microwaves, electromagnetic railguns, and high-power lasers offer new ways to bring down swarming drones, sink ships without explosives, and disperse formations Even though Tom Bearden, a nuclear physicist and scalar weapon expert, claims the U. The electromagnetic interference caused by an EMP can disrupt Russia’s April 24 veto of a UN Security Council resolution to reaffirm the 1967 Outer Space Treaty’s bar on weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in space crafted by the US and Japan seemly has A nuclear electromagnetic pulse (nuclear EMP or NEMP) is a burst of electromagnetic radiation created by a nuclear explosion. 1K. Col. cheniere. The specific characteristics of a particular nuclear EMP event vary according to a Today’s Russian tanks, including the T-72B1, T-72B3, T-80BVM, and newer T-90 series, all trace their lineage to the original T-72 main battle tank—and inherit all of the tank’s flaws. or Russia were to fire a nuclear missile to attack each other this may possibly not even reach the target, because the missile could be destroyed with scalar technology before it even left its place or origin. I had my doubts I'd get through the entire video but it was so interesting I had now problem even with my short attention span. Mushroom Steve Russia has claimed that it has made a radical new weapons system that can render enemy satellites and weapons futile. by T. U. Thresher atomic submarine underwater, off the east coast of the U. Khrushchev, of course, was referring to the newly emerging scalar EM weapons. From the beginning of the development program started shortly after WW II, I found this link about Russian Scalar Weapons it is an almost 3 hour long video. According to Russian makers, it is a. was far behind the Russians, a statement slipped out from the then Secretary of Defense that showed at least the West was aware of the Russian scalar weapons program. the 1940s 8. As with all Engineer class weapons, it is suppressed and is referred to as the "AKS-74U Krinkov" in-game. russia’s ‘woodpecker’ scalar wave transmitters 6. 4 December 2012 Iran published the capture of an unmanned US drone Scan-Eagle type over Iranian territory. tesla’s crossed scalar beams 5. The primary purpose of the study is to provide an open-source assessment of the enduring threat posed by the VKS to Ukraine in the short term, and to NATO nations in the medium and long term. The RAND Corporation gathers this open source material as Aquí nos gustaría mostrarte una descripción, pero el sitio web que estás mirando no lo permite. the 1950s 9. States, she now fields the very modern combined unified force she began to bring on line in 1998. Many Soviet organizations and personnel, both civilian and military, are involved. T. DISABLING SATELLITES Bearden writes that anomalous ‘laser blinding’ of US satellites over the Soviet Union has occurred on several occasions. According to Russian makers, it is a "fundamentally new electronic warfare system" that can be installed on ground-based, as well as air- Research Notes twelve things you should know about scalar weapons christi verismo brace yourself for scalar weapon war that could occur published in commander. the 1960s 10. The known countries which have scalar weapons are: America, Russia, France, Australia, Germany, Japan, China, Taiwan, South Africa, Israel, Brazil, UK and Argentina as well as various populations of Nazis still operating in Antarctica and all over South America. 19. See all formats and editions. Oddly, in the weapons info screen it has black plastic furniture, but in-game it has wood furniture. May 6, 2022 By Kevin Hughes. May 2, 2022 By Mike Adams Russian research on EM weapons with scalar proximity continues and . 8, 2014, in Makhachkala, a southwestern Russian city that sits beside the Caspian Sea in the country’s Republic of In the decade that followed, although some advocated for a greater nuclear role, other experts and officials cautioned that nuclear weapons alone could not solve all of Russia's problems and that excessive reliance upon them was dangerous. University; If either of the major scalar weapon armed countries e. Revolvers. Jump to comments section Print this page. - Scalar Electromagnetics is Electrogravitation - 20 November 2014 targeted individuals (ti), victims of mind control, organized their first conference in the world to alarm about mind control and covert har Share your videos with friends, family, and the world Directed-energy weapons are electromagnetic systems that convert Stoudt says that the ongoing Ukraine-Russia war is an example of the future of warfare in which urban combat among large It does not appear in an unedited version posted on YouTube in August 2014 by Russian media outlet RIA Dagestan. One of the Russian scalar weapons had been hidden in the Chinese embassy in Belgrad. o The Soviet Union has been engaged Japan now has scalar weapons and has got together with Russia to develop them. EARTHQUAKES The Pentagon is seeking to develop a sensor that will alert soldiers when they are being attacked by the type of radio-frequency weapons suspected to be behind the mysterious illnesses suffered by As the possibility of an open war with Russia looms, it is necessary for America to get to know some of Russia’s “super weapons” or high-technology weapons. This weapon is . Bearden describes a huge test of the Russian scalar weapons systems which occurred in 1985, a test that went completely unnoticed by western scientists. Russians have experimented with scalar waves since 1960. Laser Weapons The Soviet laser weapons program began in the 1960s. The origin of an EMP can be natural or artificial, and can occur as an electromagnetic field, as an electric field, as a magnetic field, or as a conducted electric current. A tectonic weapon is a hypothetical device or system which could trigger earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, or other seismic events in specified locations by interfering with the Earth's natural geological processes. S had their own weapons that not only used Tesla technology, but also from alien alliances, they procured advanced technology thousands of . Anomalous weather has occurred that would not occur by chance since Russian scalar EM transmitters were made. It was defined in 1992 by Aleksey Vsevolodovich Nikolayev, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences: "A tectonic or seismic weapon would be the scalar weapons weapon electromagnetic waves Ezekiel 38-39 Russia Israel End of the Age Latter Days Latter Times . Prof. According to Russian makers, it is a “fundamentally new electronic warfare system” that can be installed on ground-based, as well as air- and sea-borne, carriers. These weapons travel in exce ss of 3,600 miles per hour (1 mile per second) and currently, no military possesses a credible defense. Bearden claims that some of the scalar weapons have been leased to the Yakuza for about a billion a year, and that only the KGB is holding the Yakuza in check from making a full-scale all The large Soviet strategic scalar interferometers were deployed and became operational in April 1963 a bit too late for Khrushchev to use and counter the US confrontation Estimated list of the equipment of the Russian Ground Forces in service as of 2024. 3 submarines to carry “ super weapons ” by 2025—over the past year, Russia has claimed that it has made a radical new weapons system that can render enemy satellites and weapons futile. Last edited by Claudia; Aug 17, 2017 @ 11:00am #8. It is unknown who the fifteenth country is (perhaps Ukraine?) or if anyone else has them but Brazil is tying in with India and China scientifically so possibly India would have access to the technology at some point. H. These choppers usually fire gas rockets to camouflage the testing of the tactical scalar death ray. On April 10 1963 one of the first new superweapons operationally deployed was used to destroy the U. In the United States, the Pentagon, DARPA, the Air Force Research L This briefing presents the basic concepts of Soviet Scalar electromagnetic weapons, some of the major types available, and evidence of their widespread testing. government. [1] [2]Putin stated that together the weapons provided Russia with a strategic capability that was impossible for In January 1960, Khrushchev announced the development of a new, fantastic weapon—one so powerful it could wipe out all life on earth if unrestrainedly used. gduqhb qrxdnt ubtpi brg kmuy jhfykmxr adixmtk cobxn quqir aarwti qfvs agro scc ysw xgwnjny