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Pso2 mod bat. This stuff is NOT condoned by SEGA.
Pso2 mod bat By Shadowth117 in forum PSO2 General Replies: 1247 Last Post: Nov 24, 2020, 02:41 PM. Enjoy the combo attack! This Mod is a fan work of Demon Blade, DMC & PSO2 - Zx24cr/Slash-Blade-1. Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis close Clear game filter; Games. You can join our Discord communities in the following links: PSO2-Modding (Tools, Resources) And Phantasy Star Fleet (Tweaker) Are you sure you wish to hide the mod: PSO2 - Quest Clear! Replaces "Victory!" with Road to Next Frontiers by pizzaprincess__? Disclaimer: This thread is to promote primarily aesthetic modifications. Games; All games (3,540) Recently added (61) Asset use permission in mods/files that are Another long hair port from Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis, this time the Primula Long hair. Franchises. 3 . Ghost Cookie. kurokyosuke said: Feb 20, 2019 09:37 AM. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Disclaimer: This thread is to promote primarily aesthetic modifications. Let's edit an existing weapon and swap it over a camo. Also contains utilities for other games, primarily for models, textures and archives. Contribute to PolCPP/PSO2-Mod-Manager development by creating an account on GitHub. If you use any VPN, make sure that it also applied to the mod manager. bat* or Aida's tweaker, as if you launch with default launcher, there is a high chance it will replace modified file with origional file. Ekram Headgear. I would avoid making your character names Hair port of the Shaggy Long hair from Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis. Miscellaneous. Mod Punk Shoes. Voila. Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources; Upload permission You can upload this file to other sites but you PSO2 NGS Mods. 3MB ; 3-- No-Wrap Micro Mini Shorts. This is NOT about altering the way the game plays functionally. png files. Make sure your checksum file is also in the win32 folder there or your mod WILL fail. There aren't any errors or anything; the batch file runs,the Old mods will break NGS, fix them by using Aqua Tool. Rouge The Bat (Sonic The Hedgehog) If you need troubleshooting help, first check the NOTES+INSTRUCTIONS. Ads keep us online. Replaces PSU's default UI with a custom interface Explore the GitHub Discussions forum for KizKizz pso2_mod_manager. Instead, report issues and unpleasant Redditors to the subreddit mods. Available to all tall females (including Hrothgar), and with options to either have the full hair, or with no low ponytail. X. Please consider unblocking us. It really all started when I received a Credits and distribution permission. ADMIN MOD New Mod 18+ !! I only recommend this thread to those are 18 years old or older!! So I came across THE PSO2 nude mod, (don't ask how) and decided to give it a try. Blood-Red Commander Igris cosplay. Table of contents: 08-27 01:33 시그니처 고평량 70gsm 물티슈 70매 x 20팩 유클 (16,520원/무료) 08-26 18:29 베비앙 물티슈 75gsm 70장 10팩 (10,172원/무료) 08-26 16:30 역대가 [asus 공식] rog cetra tws speednova lc3+ 무선 이어폰 {국내발송,국내정품,보증2년} (170,267원/무료) 08-27 03:15 캐치웰 자동 먼지통 비움 무선 청소기 tw100 매직타워 (238,280원 The proper name for this bat is "Pummeling Bat". Pumpkin Bag. One of Aqua's Keyblades, imported into PSO2/NGS. 申請通ったらアークスカードやキャラ名のSSを探す(なくても顔さえわかればだいたい7鯖に行って照合) 4. Games. Make Let's start out by doing a basic mod. Patch notes: Added item subcategory details to Run the game with the included *pso2start. Games . There are currently 7 motions in ADMIN MOD Rouge The Bat (Sonic The Hedgehog) Phashion/Cosplay Archived post. The original Phantasy Star Online is being recreated in VR (Forest 1 Demo available now in VRChat) Maligna; Dec 10, 2024; Replies 4 Views 680. Phantasy Star Festa 2016 Koto City, Tokyo Venue visit gift (3/21/2016) Recycle Shop (Hello Kitty Collab) (5/22/2016~6/22/2016) Matoi Chain マトイチェーン 7-Eleven Sega Lucky Lottery PSO2 ~Matoi Returns~ Lisa Chain リサチェーン 7-Eleven Pouch Jelly Drink Collab Campaign 2016 : A Phantasy Star Online 2 (PSO2) Modding Tool in the Other/Misc category, submitted by Shadowth117 Ads keep us online. Soaring Dragon Dress edit. You can join our Discord communities in the following links: PSO2-Modding (Tools, Resources) And Phantasy Star Fleet (Tweaker) Credits and distribution permission. Skip to content. Thank you from PSO2 Japanese Community Nude Mod Installer rev. 2 - Available materials: PSO2 original matte look, shiny chrome, holo rainbow, pearlescent (try it with dark colours), and a custom blank one if you feel like fiddling with the colortable Don't hesitate to show me your own colors if you use it! この作品 「[MOD] PSO2 Accessories v1」 は 「コイカツ!」「コイカツ」 等のタグがつけられた「Taco」さんのイラストです。 「My first batch of PSO2 accessory ports. Step 8 (Optional for plugins): Run ENBInjector. Site News; Forum; Gallery; Games Phantasy Star Online 2; Phantasy Star Online; Phantasy Star Online: Ep 3; Phantasy Star Universe; Phantasy Star Zero;. Featured Pre-Order Bonus. bat or uncompressed. hack BGM Replacer Pack Exodia; Feb 4, 2023; PSO-World is the world's largest Phantasy Star community website offering discussion forums, guides, and news for online Phantasy Star games. bat method; Step 10: PROFIT. As this is my first mo Old mods will break NGS, fix them by using Aqua Tool. This stuff is NOT condoned by SEGA. You can join our Discord communities in the following links: PSO2-Modding (Tools, Resources) And Phantasy Star Fleet (Tweaker) After all, it is easier to create a shortcut or launch the game via the Start Menu as described by u/Krisan-Thyme than it is to enter this into a command prompt or create a . 11 months ago. So I've been using the mods in the mod manager, before I had no issues removing the mods, but now as of recently my mod manager won't delete the mods, restarted my game to see if they work. Well, applications with access to the Win32 API (including PSO2 Tweaker) can execute Windows commands via the CreateProcess function. 1. PSO2 Mod Thread. Adult websites keep popping up? Stop accidental visits. 10 · 1 comment . APVS-1 Night Vision Goggles. Note: Drag & drop won't work if app is running with Administrator. 我一直卡在加载列表,手动下载列表了导入还是报错。有会玩这个的大佬知道这是怎么回事吗? 返回pso2吧 【求助】有人用mod管理器的吗? Pso2 NGS mod. Show 99 post(s) from this thread on one page. KizKizz / pso2_mod_manager Public. 2 Do not use URL shorteners. You can join our Discord communities in the following links: PSO2-Modding (Tools, Resources) And Phantasy Star Fleet (Tweaker) Category: Mags. Games; All games (3,540) Recently added (67) This mod replaces the PSO2 NGS UQ announcement PSO2 Mod Thread. bat, and ONLY this one that we made to test it, so maybe it'll work for you, too: cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\SEGA\PHANTASYSTARONLINE2\pso2_bin" echo "setting pso2 environment variable" SET -pso2=+0x01e3f1e9 echo creating PSO2 NGS情報及びMOD制作/制作依頼 --- PSO2 NGS Mods + Info Are you sure you wish to hide the mod: PSO2 Dragon Tail -RT Port for male Au Ra added chains metalic color by Max Lunaveil? Making Mods for PSO2 NGS. For all tall female races, please note that a Mods & Resources by the Phantasy Star Online: Blue Burst (PSOBB) Modding Community. You can join our Discord communities in the following links: PSO2-Modding (Tools, Resources) And Phantasy Star Fleet (Tweaker) Category: Face/Body Paint Thanks to Phyrine for original mod Thanks to Quartz for EXQB Thanks to ReqRider for RT body This sounds like a network issue on your end, mod manager needs to be connected to the internet for it to function. Important:. So you want to mod pso2 aesthetics, huh? First things first, you'll need this stuff: *Ice Expansion Tool (Ice Repacker with source) http://www. R18 edit of an outfit. Ever since I installed Windows 10, the . Page 125 of 125 First 25 75 115 122 Necro since I can't seem to find an answer. bat (I used compressed for all of these, but uncompressed didn't give any different of a result aside from the file being bigger)-Rename the resulting file to remove the . HAT COMPATIBLE Disclaimer: This thread is to promote primarily aesthetic modifications. ice extension-Copy and paste result into PSO2's win32 folder What did I mess up Disclaimer: This thread is to promote primarily aesthetic modifications. Motions are unique animations that define how a character poses when performing a specific action. Califula and Kale (Dragon Ball Super) 98 · 6 comments . M. Notes: In the current testing version of Penumbra, Mod Punkle Tie: Mod Punk Necktie: : Modish Winter (AC Scratch) 2023/02/22: neck: エクラーナヘッドギア Eclarna Headgear: Ekram Headgear: : Modish Winter (AC Scratch) 2023/02/22: upper, side: 頭乗りガラガロンゴ Perched Gara Garongo: Head-Mount Gara Garongo: : Limited Task Reward: 2023/02/22: upper: 頭乗りガラガロンゴ/B 【求助】有人用mod. We are Reddit's primary hub for all things modding, from troubleshooting for beginners to creation of mods by experts. Warning: R18/Lewd Mod However it can work normally again if i create a new "PSO2 Mod Manager" file directory but the problem is it won't load the data or files that has been modded . gg/Kds4V4Z PSO2 Mod Manager. gg/cV3QRkB This thread is not actively watched nor up to date with current knowledge. com/file/jghadxe_rev2. Floating Phantasma. Contribute to KizKizz/pso2_mod_manager development by creating an account on GitHub. Discover BatMod's Old mods will break NGS, fix them by using Aqua Tool. Original files -Allows for dumping PSO2 NGS maps to . Pumpkin Cookie. Second mod! Florial legs from PSO2 NGS! The colortable was a nightmare to port and adapt. この作品 「[Mod]PSO2 accessories for KK/KKs」 は 「ILLUSION」「コイカツ」 等のタグがつけられた「JetJaguar」さんのイラストです。 「PSO2 accessories mod (First Batch):https://mega Disclaimer: This thread is to promote primarily aesthetic modifications. m0dってつけてる国垢見つけて直接凸 We have already talked about different Phantasy Star Online 2 characteristics like the classes or the weapons. Server location. But every month we have large bills and running ads is our only way to cover them. An unofficial, community-run subreddit for the latest title in the PSO2 series: "Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis"! This is for both the Japanese and Global servers. Show 99 post(s) from this thread on one page the only thing that worked was this test . chevron_right. com/s ADMIN MOD Rouge The Bat (Sonic The Hedgehog) Phashion/Cosplay Archived post. For more swift questions and answers, please refer to the discord server: https://discord. All games (3,316) Recently added (56) Works for Phantasy Star Online ver. This A mod manager for Phantasy Star Online 2. Mod Punk Necktie AC Scratch Tickets: Modish Winter: 3 02/22/23 Mod Punk Shoes AC Scratch Tickets: Modish Winter: 4 02/22/23 Phantasy Star Online 2 (Classic) Arks-Visiphone. . Necro since I can't seem to find an answer. Play Now. Eistee. Sonic The Hedgehog. 0 is required for the app to be correctly functional Download . Without them, we wouldn't exist. Printable View. download: Basically, it downloads PSO2 mods and installs them into the game. You can join our Discord communities in the following links: Resources) And Phantasy Star Fleet (Tweaker) Category: Costume. Latest check. If you use any antivirus, make sure to white-list mod manager related folders. There aren't any errors or anything; the batch file runs,the command prompt closes, then nothing happens. On another note, removing ''PSO2ModManModsList. Did I do something wrong o Browse 11 mods for Phantasy Star Online at Nexus Mods. United States. I would avoid making your character names Disclaimer: This thread is to promote primarily aesthetic modifications. Little Falz Loser but Purple. I'm pretty sure there are problems but at some point I just have to release it and Disclaimer: This thread is to promote primarily aesthetic modifications. Features. Mods over: Hair 108 (Midlander, Highlander, Elezen, Miqo'te, Au Ra, Roegadyn Females) Hair 8 PSO2 Mod Database. We don't have paywalls or sell mods - we never will. Uploaded: 07 Jul 2021 The PSO2 Tweaker is a replacement for the normal PSO2 launcher, used to update, patch, and launch the Japanese and Global versions of the game. Tags: None. 5 (Optional for plugins): If for some reason the game hangs on startup while using both ENB Injector and Arks Mod Tool, restart the game, and as soon as the PSO2 splash screen goes away, close the Injector; Step 9: Run PSO2 with the . Back close Close navigation menu. Oct 12, 2024. There's been some QoL, a couple classes, new regions, and a bit of plot, but if you didn't care for it before for whatever reasons, things probably haven't changed enough to justify an investment. 通報 もしくは最初からmod. If you need more help, just reach me on discord Personal comments: I don't have a lot of time to mod nowadays so this comes quite late. New. NET8). Note that these things ARE possible without issue while the game is running, although changes will not show until said file reloads. bat made from the OP doesn't work to start up the game anymore, mods or no. I try and do what is needed but what I get is it saying PathNotFound. We don't have paywalls or sell mods - we 5ちゃんねるのPSOでの議論に参加しましょう:「【PSO2】MOD 起動毎のファイルチェックがいつの間にかなくなってるからTweakerやらbatファイルは作らなくても良いと思う . What links here; Related changes; 2. I would avoid making your character names YAMATOOo!! Welcome to SlashBlade. This is the bat Majima uses in his Slugger fighting style and appears in both Yakuza 0 and Yakuza Kiwami. PRE-ORDER NOW. 1L收入了大部分有公开过的MOD以及对应文件备份具体用法看readme素体要先装其他随意http://pan. Discuss code, ask questions & collaborate with the developer community. Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis close Clear game filter. Dangerous. I didn't really like the mod PSO2 Mod Thread. mediafire. 14 · 1 comment . - Leayal/PSO2-Launcher-CSharp Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis close Clear game filter; Games. 7z/file - This is how you'll put Replaces the majority of * Nemesis Selica weapon camo with the Kingdom Key from Kingdom Hearts (KH2 Model Specifically) and various other Keyblade Models. RAGING VENTS-DAY. Bring the world of Rem NoireL to your friends and family. 8 years ago. All games (3,366) Phantasy Star Online 2: BatMod For Minecraft 1. 2 PC and ランチャー起動時に『pso2 ニュージェネシス』のデータのみダウンロードします。 すべての『pso2:ngs』と『pso2』のデータをダウンロードする ランチャー起動時に『pso2 ニュージェネシス』および『pso2』のデータをダウン (讨论)可能是目前最. Swap original items (costumes, emotes, ) and more. Aqua Model Tool - GUI Editor for various PSO2 files アンパック:選択した PSO2 のデータファイル(ICE ファイル)を解凍します。 ファイルリストを出力:PSO2 のデータディレクトリ内のファイルと各データファイルに含まれるファイルを csv 形式で出力します。 Here you can find direct downloads to various mods created by our community members like English Voices, Custom UI Skins, and PlayStation 2 / Xbox 360 Button prompts. Exodia's Metroid | . Mod goes over Au Ri tails (you can pick 1-4). The Tweaker adds several options to the game, such as the option to Mods & Resources by the Phantasy Star Online 2 (PSO2) Modding Community. More improvements and Ever since I installed Windows 10, the . Questions should be directed here these days: https://discord. You've made a mod! An unofficial, community-run subreddit for the latest title in the PSO2 series: "Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis"! This is for both the Japanese and Global servers. com Safety status. MODERATORS. Join our ever-growing community and treat yourself to all we have to give today! Home; Download; Support; Shop; BatMod for Minecraft 1. PSO2-Modding - Discord ※日本語情報あり; Arks-Layer - サードパーティー製ランチャーです。日本語や英語以外でプレイしたい場合や Mod を使用する場合必須です。 Phantasy Star Fleet - Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms; Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points You are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets Hello, so this is the first time that I'm try to set up mods but the whole pso2_bin is confusing me. There aren't any errors or anything; the batch file runs,the command prompt closes, then Then, place it in your pso2_bin/data/win32/ folder and replace the original. フォロー欄からmod、m0dと書いてる奴探してフォロー申請 3. Old mods will break NGS, fix them by using Aqua Tool. June 15. Hair 111 for Hyur Midlander, Hyur Highlander, Elezen, Miqo'te, Roegadyn, Au Ra, Viera Females Three Styles of Highlights This mod replaces the PSO2 NGS UQ announcement voicelines for all 3 UQs with those from PSO2 base. For this example, I'll be taking the basic rod Rod, changing the texture, and replacing the rod camo *Lilli Shaft (1k meseta in player shops as Home of the PSO2 Tweaker, English patches, Tools, Simulators, Guides, and much more! We support both versions of PSO2 - JP and NA! Phantasy Star Online 2 - Mods & Resources by the PSO2 Modding Community. X BatMod Installer. Are you 18 years or older? By continuing you may see adult images, videos, writing, and other media. If any cheating or unfair behavior is Do not engage hostile Redditors. 8. Cursed Infausto. Code; Issues 1; Pull requests 0; remember to refresh the ingame vital gauges by using the ones that you didnt mod on then use the ones that modded or restart the game. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were This release is of the Variable Curl low ponytail style hair from Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis. An app to manage, swapping mods and items for Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis. As well as a few non PSO2 features:-Allows for converting most Phantasy Star Nova models to pso2's format-Allows for converting most Phantasy Star Portable/2/2 Infinity models -Drag the folder onto either compressed. BatMod offers unique mods and features all wrapped into one client. Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings; Fork 4; Star 18. 8 Source Code This is a source code of PSO2 Japanese Community Nude Mod Installer. This is not a 1:1 port in terms of highlights and coloring, as the PSO2 NGS version uses more than 2 colors, so I just made three styles of highlights. Miqo'te has options for no ears for those that use ear mods. 2 Highlight Variants as well. If it's still not working, reach me on discord. Arks-Visiphone JP Wiki; Phantasy Star Fleet Discord; PSO2 Potency Analysis; Tools. The camo features a purple weapon trail whenever swung PSO2 Modding Tutorial; PSO2 File Directory. A PSO2 fan site which allows users to upload their own created content, termed modifications or mods https://pso2mod. I wouldn’t recommend using this mod if you understand Japanese, because the voice lines don’t match up with the actual IDOLA Phantasy Star Saga /r/Phashion: a community for 13 years. APVS-1 Night Vision Goggles/B. Main part of tail is set either white for - Opening Song (PSO2) - PSO2 Title Screen (PSO2) - PSO2 Classic Lobby Theme (PSO2) - Gateship (PSO2) Questions\Comments can be sent to my discord, aidaenna. Bat Earrings. EXE; Oct 12, 2024; Replies 1 Views 753. Decoration 2 can be used to turn off the panties. An app by KizKizz to apply/manage mods, swap items and backup. 12. I would avoid making your character names PSO2 Mod Thread. don't bother. NSIS Ultramodern UI is required to compile. NET 6. Unlock 170 exclusive posts and join a community of 105 paid members (C)SEGA 『PHANTASY STAR ONLINE 2』公式サイト http://pso2. [MOD] PSO Characters in Bomb Rush Cyberfunk DRM. Affects Witch's Thighboots, dyeable and colorsettable (16 channels used). 0 Here. Phantasy Star Online close Clear game filter. Members Online. Share "Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis"! This is for both the Japanese and Global servers. PSO2 Modding Tutorial PSO-World is the world's largest Phantasy Star community website offering discussion forums, Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis close Clear game filter; Games. URL shorteners make it difficult to enforce site white lists and black lists, and are often used to link to If you're expecting any dramatic changes in the gameplay loop, a suddenly gigantic amount of story content, things to do, etc. Games; All games (3,501) Recently added (92) Another mod I made 4-5 years ago. Posted on February 26, 2024 Uploaded by Supanub. I would avoid making your character names Discuss news, strategies and information relating to Sega's *Phantasy Star Online 2* New Genesis and Classic! Members Online • fross09. PLAY NOW. Now, let’s talk about an exciting part of the game that will be useful for the players of this version: mods. Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources; Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances; Modification permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it An alternative game launcher for Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis (JP) written in C# (. Maligna. json'' inside ''PSO2 Mod Manager'' folder would reset the settings/states of the mod files. Mods have become highly popular on PSO2, making people curious about the way they work in the game. All reactions A port of the mechanical-looking LMG-D3 Dragon Tail from Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis, for both Au Ri Males and Females. Expansion Pass. The code isn't exactly great because I've (Rupikachu) been using it as a kitchen sink, trying the stuff "new things" that C# has that I can't usually use in Unity. Join our ever-growing community and treat yourself to all we have to give today! Download Shop Discord Twitter. Thread: PSO2 Mod Thread. baidu. I would avoid making your character names For instance I was really motivated to find a sound for katanas that doesn't sound like you're whipping around a whiffle bat, and I really wanted to find a sound for partisans that was a better fit. jp/ Gift membership. exe and Arks Mod Tool before running PSO2; Step 8. Includes hat-compatibility. The default character motions can be changed in the Beauty Salon under Misc > Change Motion. Posted on May 19, 2018 September 24, 2019 Uploaded by SilentFox3. gg/cV3QRkB This thread is not Auto replace checksum on startup and when applying mods; Auto sort and categorize mods by associated items upon adding; Mods can be added to Mod Sets to be applied together; Keep track of available mods and mods that are Credits and distribution permission. 公式ランチャーだとファイルチェック入ってmod入れても消えるからまずそれ。 海外向けのpso2ランチャーを探してインストール。mod使う場合これを使ってゲームを起動する必要ががある pso2のmodサイトから簡易的にエロ関連まとめたツールをインストール。 Are you sure you wish to hide the mod: PSO2 Oileu Athena Hagneia by lopoleo? Browse 34 mods for Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis at Nexus Mods. bat file with this command in it. Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources; Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances; Modification permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it Old mods will break NGS, fix them by using Aqua Tool. One of my favourite CAST parts set from PSO2 NGS. The camo features a purple weapon trail whenever swung around*. This is a MOD created to add the DMC-ish KATANA in the game. All Advanced Search; Save? Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis Official Site Games. You can join our Discord communities in the following links: PSO2-Modding (Tools, Resources) And Phantasy Star Fleet (Tweaker) Color Changeable via PSO2 Item Lab: Marketable: How to get. Yakuza This page lists all the Accessories available in Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis, displayed in a simplified view. Feb 2, 2025. D. PSO2NGS Mod Manager. PSO2 team reserves the right to take action against anyone using unauthorized programs, macros, and other tools while playing Phantasy Star Online 2 and Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis. message the mods; discussions in r/PSO2 < > X. Welcome to the PSO2 Mod thread! The primary focus of this thread will be to create a place to store mods people have made for this game and give others ready access to them. Scripts for modifying models and animations for PSO2:NGS within 3ds Max View mod page View image gallery An app to manage, swapping mods and items for Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis. SEGA Legacy - 6/10 - 7/14/2020 9th Anniversary Weapon Camo Collection - 7/13 - 8/3/2021 This is the bat Majima uses in his Slugger fighting style and appears in both Yakuza 0 and Yakuza Kiwami. We ask that you please take a minute to read through A series of tools primarily for Phantasy Star Online 2 and Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis or NGS. fbx and . txt file, or ask in your modding Discord(s) about the problem you are facing when installing this mod, before writing to me directly. Domain Created. cdlrgtzdgoddojawmewdydcloihkpwstmkzfupmweltpwzfjjlmqtixpmsndnspglesafurpboiug