Per capita consumption. 45 liters per capita, while Romania completes .

Per capita consumption statista. 48 pounds (37. 395 kg/yr. 22 kg. Facebook; Twitter Graph and download economic data for Real Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCEC96) from Jan 2007 to Jan 2025 about headline figure, PCE, consumption expenditures, consumption, personal, real, and USA. 8 kilograms, a 1. Estonia. " Chart. 67 kg. Milk Consumption per Capita 2022 (kg/yr) 0. In 2024, the average annual per capita consumption expenditure of households in China amounted to around 28,200 yuan. Graph and download economic data for Per Capita Personal Consumption Expenditures: Total for California (CAPCEPC) from 1997 to 2023 about PCE, consumption expenditures, per capita, consumption, CA, personal, and USA. 53 gallons in 2021. 324 kg/yr. This page provides with an overview of annual per capita Consumptions of: Milk, Butter, Cheese, Skimmed Milk Powder (SMP) and Whole Milk Powder (WMP), over the last 5 years. Learn how to measure and interpret real, per capita consumption expenditures, which adjust for inflation and population growth. Links for each location go to the “Milk - Excluding Butter - Food available for consumption (kilograms per year per capita)” [dataset]. By analyzing per capita consumption, we This interactive chart shows per capita energy consumption. Energy use (kg of oil equivalent) per $1,000 GDP (constant 2021 PPP) Combustible renewables and waste (% of total energy) Electricity production from oil sources (% of total) Consumption per Capita 2022, All Meats Total Meat Consumption 2022 Beef Consumption 2022 Pork/Pig Consumption 2022 Chicken Consumption 2022 Goat & Lamb Consumption 2022 Other Meat Consumption 2022. Energy use (kg of oil equivalent) per $1,000 GDP (constant 2021 PPP) Combustible renewables and waste (% of total energy) Electricity production from oil sources (% of total) Detailed household final consumption expenditure, Canada, quarterly (x 1,000,000) Frequency: Quarterly Table: 36-10-0124-01 (formerly CANSIM 380-0085) The per-capita meat consumption in Germany increased from an estimated 46 kilograms in 2018 to 47. This is more than double the goal set for the United States. 2023 • Per capita consumption of ethanol from all alcoholic beverages combined in 2022 was 2. This means that the average American consumes about the same amount of energy in one month as the average Indian consumes in an entire year. Year-over-year declines were more pronounced from 2009 to 2015. 48 liters. Going further north, Wisconsin - a state known for its cheese and beer, stands at 8th position with a rate of 3. The estimates of MPCE of 2023-24 are based on the data collected from 2,61,953 Households (1,54,357 in rural areas and 1,07,596 in urban areas) in the central sample spread over all States and Union Territories in the country. 66kg a year for each coffee-drinking Vietnamese from a population of 95. The countries with the next highest rice consumption per capita are the Philippines 190. This is most likely attributed to the strict alcohol regulations in Utah. As shown by clusters of Talking about per capita consumption, Vietnam places fourteenth in the world with an average of 1. Poland – Consumed 2,501 thousand معنی per capita consumption - معانی، کاربردها، تحلیل، بررسی تخصصی، جمله های نمونه، مترادف ها و متضادها و در دیکشنری آبادیس - برای مشاهده کلیک کنید It’s useful to look at differences in energy consumption per capita. The electric energy consumption per capita worldwide in 2022 ranged between 54 megawatt-hours in Iceland and 147 kilowatt-hours in Niger. Its population growth rates have gone down significantly from 2. The per capita consumption of paper and paperboard China was around 93 kilograms, lower than the average global figure. The most widely used and comprehensive data on food supply and consumption is published by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). (in liters of pure alcohol per capita) Country. 01 kg, showing that Americans are highly consistent in their beef eating habits. Metric: Food available for consumption Description: Originally given per-capita, and converted into total figures by multiplying by population (given by FAO). Levels of water use vary significantly across the world. 14. Annual car sales worldwide 2010-2023, with a forecast for 2024; Monthly container freight rate index worldwide 2023-2024; Automotive manufacturers' estimated market share in the U. Download: 0; Views: 0; Published On: 31/12/2024; Updated On 31/12/2024; Share. 5 percent after deducting the price factor. Annual Per Capita Consumption of Agricultural Commodities by Classification of Barangays, Geolocation, Reference Period and Commodity. Per capita milk of all types available for consumption Note 3 steadily increased from 1960 to peak at 98 litres in 1979 and 1980. 2: United States “Fish and seafood - Food available for consumption (kilograms per year per capita)” [dataset]. This article presents the most recent analysis of purchasing power parities and related economic indicators (gross domestic product (GDP) per capita and actual individual consumption (AIC) per capita) for the years 2013-2023, focusing primarily on the latest reference year. 8% in the 1970s to the first decline in absolute terms this year. Indicator Id: Projections for total alcohol consumption data for 2021 to 2025 were derived assuming that the APC for 2019 and 2025 would be the same (i. We see this in the map, which measures per capita energy use. Over the decades since 1961, there has been a consistent global uptrend in the per Household final consumption expenditure (formerly private consumption) is the market value of all goods and services, including durable products (such as cars, washing machines, and home computers), purchased by households. Energy Information Administration – General government final consumption expenditure (current LCU) Households and NPISHs Final consumption expenditure (annual % growth) Download. Our World in Data. 31, 2024), per capita rice consumption was 55. Average annual per capita consumption expenditure of households in China from 1990 to 2024 (in yuan) [Graph], National Bureau of Statistics of China, January 17, 2025. Montenegro. It also presents the price level indices of the 27 EU countries, as well as of the 3 EFTA countries (Iceland, It was calculated that in 2023 the per capita personal consumption expenditures (PCE) in the United States reached 56,202 U. When we look at national averages in this way, there is no distinct relationship between income and alcohol consumption. 0 Data in this table are from Ember and are for 2023 unless otherwise specified. In the sixth position, Spain records a per capita consumption of 12. Accessed March 20, 2025. 310 kg/yr. 1 The recorded alcohol per capita consumption (APC) is part of a core set of indicators, whose purpose is to monitor the magnitude, pattern and trends of alcohol consumption in the adult population (15 years of age and older). Denmark. Rounding out the top ten list of countries that have a rice-centric diet are Bhutan 168. DataBank. 40. This interactive chart shows the average energy consumption per person each year. Country. Switzerland. 9 pounds in 2021. The phrase can be used for almost any kind of population See more Learn how to measure the average use of a product, service or other item per person in a country or a sector. Annual Per Capita Consumption, Sugars and Sweeteners 2022 (kg) 0. Data type: Rate . In comparison, Americans consume only 12. Drinking alcohol can be associated with developing alcohol use disorder or dependence and higher risk of mental and Average natural gas consumption per capita, measured in kilowatt-hours per person. Second to Luxembourg, Iceland consumes a tremendous amount of chocolate as well, at 19. 100. Explore Our DataBank. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, “Food Balances: Food Balances (-2013, old methodology and population)”; The declining of milk products available for consumption. 83 kg, and the peoples of Sri Lanka 181. [Online]. Urban Per capita CO₂ emissions vs. In 2022, the US per capita beef consumption amounted to 38. Alcohol Consumption(l/yr) Sudan: 0. India's agricultural water consumption has been growing rapidly — almost doubling between 1975 and 2010 — as its population and total food demand continue to increase. 2 liters, placing it as the top wine-consuming nation as of 2022. 5 percent, with a Country Consumption per capita [1] (litres per year) 2018 change (litres per year) Total national consumption [a] (million litres per year) Year Sources Czech Republic * 128. Per-capita values are obtained by dividing the original values by the population (either provided by FAO or by OWID). 60. Rank Change in rank 2013/2007 Country Milk consumption 2013 (kg/capita/yr) [1] Milk consumption 2007 (kg/capita/yr) [2] 1 U. 5 Countries that Consume the Most Milk. Per capita is often used in place of “per person” in statistical observances. 51 gallons, representing a 2. 80. Select part: View table:. The recorded alcohol per capita consumption (APC) is part of a core set of indicators, whose purpose is to monitor the magnitude, pattern and trends of alcohol consumption in the adult population (15 years of age and older). Total consumption figures are in terawatt-hours while per-capita figures are in megawatt-hours. This data is based on the following sources. e. 1, 2023 to Oct. We see vast differences across the world. Data are in current U. What is the most consumed paper type? Quarterly delivery via email of trade, prices, production, consumption and consumption per capita data and access to the World Coffee Statistics Database (WCSD) linked with QSB. The production of biofuels has also increased sharply in recent years, with significant impact on water demand. With its cooler climate and a strong culture of indulgent treats, Iceland quite naturally ranks high on the list of chocolate consumption per capita, showing just how fond its residents are for this sweet delight. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, “Food Balances: Food Balances (-2013, old methodology and population)”; Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, “Food Balances: Food Balances (2010-)” [original data]. 01: Luxembourg: 0. 5 Countries that Consume the Most Meat. 45 liters per capita, while Romania completes Statista. dollars. 6: 54,899: 37,924: 64. alcohol production would fully recover by 2025 In 2019, the per capita consumption expenditure of the whole country was 21,559 yuan, a nominal increase of 8. Browse by topic. 20. The grand duchy of Luxembourg is not far behind with 12. Per capita consumption measures the average consumption of a particular product or service by individuals within a given population. Explore diverse data, learn to use its tools through Python examples, and stay updated on the latest news and research “Fruit - Food available for consumption (kilograms per year per capita)” [dataset]. Egg Consumption by Country 2025; Top 10 Countries that Consume the Most Eggs Per Capita; Does the United States Eat a Lot of Eggs Per Year? Nestled in New England, Vermont ranks 7th with a per capita consumption of 3. 250. 1-12. 5 smartphones per year. 1-gallon goal. But in that period its overall consumption levels have The real per capita cosumer spending ranking is led by Iran with 120,324,699 U. 50 gallons, representing a 1. average household water consumption per capita by select city 2014; Withdrawn surface water volume in Saudi Arabia 2010-2015; PG&E Corporation's water withdrawals by facility 2019; The supply for the United States in 2020 was only 83. A few points to keep in mind when considering this data: These figures reflect energy consumption – that is the sum of all energy uses including electricity, transport and heating. Also known as a metric ton, one tonne = 1,000 kg, or roughly 2,204. The total alcohol per capita consumption (APC) comprises both the recorded and the unrecorded APC, which together provide a more accurate estimate of the level of alcohol consumption in a country, and as a result, portray trends of alcohol consumption in the adult population (15 years of age and older) in a more precise way. Most Recent Value (Millions) Help us improve this site Help / Feedback. 11 gallons, followed by its neighbor, Maine with a consumption of 2. The ratio between the US and India for example is around 12. State/UT/All-India. 2 percent decrease from 2. 140. Data; Insights; Energy use (kg of oil equivalent) per $1,000 GDP (constant 2021 PPP) Combustible renewables and waste (% of total energy) Electricity production from oil sources (% of total) State/UT-wise Details of Per Capita Power Consumption Indicating the Growth Trend from 2020-21 to 2022-23. This decline is consistent with the overall downward trend in vegetable availability observed over the past two decades, and well below this period’s high of 415. Average natural gas consumption per capita, measured in kilowatt-hours per person. Data Commons is an initiative from Google. 9 percent increase from 2. Luxembourgers do not typically enjoy wine with every meal, but wine is an integral part of their evening meals. States that Consume the Most Alcohol (gallons per capita): Statistics Korea’s “2024 Rice Consumption Survey Results” revealed that for the 2023-2024 crop year (Nov. Consumption in Italy and Spain also increased. Notably, 2022 marked the first time since 1969 that per capita consumption of ethanol from spirits was higher than from Household final consumption expenditure (formerly private consumption) is the market value of all goods and services, including durable products (such as cars, washing machines, and home computers), purchased by households. Per capita alcohol consumption is widely accepted as the best possible indicator of alcohol exposure in populations and the key indicator for estimation of alcohol-attributable disease burden and alcohol-attributable deaths. Size: 631827 Updated: 9/4/2020 Classification of Barangays: ALL BARANGAYS, . Per capita Consumption. Many This is a list of countries ordered by annual per capita consumption of milk, excluding butter. September 27, 2024. It also includes payments and fees to governments to Social Progress Index vs Energy Use per capita, 2015. 38 gallons in 2019. Poland saw the largest rise in meat Statistics about Economics in Juneau. This puts the United States at the 39th-highest spot, significantly above the worldwide average of 5. 91 kg and Thailand 168. 01 Energy use (kg of oil equivalent) per $1,000 GDP (constant 2021 PPP) Combustible renewables and waste (% of total energy) Electricity production from oil sources (% of total) Culture > Facts/Trivia > Milk Consumption by Country 2025 Milk Consumption by Country 2025 . Data adapted from Global Carbon Country X has a per capita consumption of 2 smartphones per year, while Country Y has a per capita consumption of 0. dollars, while Vietnam is following with 49,388,580. Per capita consumption is measured in kilograms (kg) per person per year. 300. 7 g per person per day. If an amount is expressed per capita, it means that amount per person. IBRD; IDA; IFC; MIGA; Coffee Consumption by Country 2025 Top 10 Countries that Drink the Most Coffee Per Person (kg/lbs per year) (International Coffee Organization 2020) Top 10 Countries that Drink the Most Coffee in the World (by 1000s of 60-lb bags of dry coffee beans consumed) Luxembourg boasts a remarkable per capita wine consumption of 67. Businesses can utilize such data to target markets with higher consumption rates and tailor their marketing The United States had an annual consumption per person of 9. 120. Per capita meat consumption in the EU28 OECD, 1990-2018; Per capita meat consumption in the United States; Pig meat per animal; Pig meat production; Poultry meat per animal; Poultry production; Protein efficiency of meat and dairy production; Protein supply from animal foods vs. 95 kg/year per capita, showcasing the meat’s cultural significance, especially in traditional dishes like Golonka. 8 million. Among them, the per capita consumption expenditure of urban households was 28,063 yuan, an increase of 7. Most Recent Year. Statista. The largest energy consumers include Iceland, Norway, Canada, the United States, and wealthy nations in the Middle East Graph and download economic data for Real personal consumption expenditures per capita (A794RX0Q048SBEA) from Q1 1947 to Q4 2024 about PCE, consumption expenditures, per capita, consumption, Changes in lifestyles and eating habits in recent years are requiring more water consumption per capita. [1] Includes some dependent territories. Catalog : Answers Data of Rajya Sabha Questions for Session 266. List of countries by Social Progress Index. “Data Page: Per capita consumption-based CO₂ emissions”, part of the following publication: Hannah Ritchie, Pablo Rosado and Max Roser (2023) - “CO₂ and Greenhouse Gas Emissions”. . 150. 7: 69. com In the chart, we see the relationship between average per capita alcohol consumption – in liters of pure alcohol per year – versus gross domestic product (GDP) per capita across countries. 99 gallons per head. Poland: Almost matching Hong Kong, with a consumption of 54. This indicates that individuals in Country X have a higher demand for smartphones compared to those in Country Y. It excludes purchases of dwellings but includes imputed rent for owner-occupied dwellings. Per capita is a Latin term that translates to “by head” and is used in English to mean average per person. https://www. 8 liters. 67 liters annually, just slightly ahead of Uganda's 12. Graph and download economic data for Personal consumption expenditures per capita (A794RC0A052NBEA) from 1929 to 2024 about PCE, consumption expenditures, per capita, consumption, personal, GDP, and USA. 160. 87 kilograms) per capita annually, placing it in third for supply after Argentina and Zimbabwe. It also includes payments and fees to governments to Water withdrawals per capita. 6 percent over the same period of last year, and a real increase of 5. 22 gallons. Since then, it has gradually decreased to 64 litres per person per year in 2015. Household final consumption expenditure (formerly private consumption) is the market value of all goods and services, including durable products (such as cars, washing machines, and home computers), purchased by households. 31 kg, Myanmar 188. See how consumption has changed over time Graph and download economic data for Per Capita Personal Consumption Expenditures: Total for United States (USPCEPC) from 1997 to 2023 about PCE, consumption Across all states and the District of Columbia, per capita PCE increased to $52,542 in 2022 from $48,318 in 2021 (table 4). This was the largest two-year increase since 1969, when there was a There are vast differences in energy consumption across the world. Meat consumption per capita refers to the total meat retained for use in country per person per year. All Countries and Economies. 200. 02 Total water withdrawals from agricultural, industrial and municipal purposes per capita, measured in cubic meters (m³) per year. Short name: Projections APC . Total meat includes meat from animals slaughtered in countries, irrespective of their origin, and comprises horsemeat, poultry, and meat from all other domestic or wild animals such as camels, rabbits, reindeer, and game animals Households and NPISHs Final consumption expenditure per capita growth (annual %) from The World Bank: Data Take China. 46 liters earning the Eastern European country the eighth spot. Drinking alcohol can be associated with developing alcohol use disorder or dependence and higher risk of mental and • Per capita consumption of ethanol from all alcoholic beverages combined in 2021 was 2. 2 kg per person yearly. Bulgarian citizens consume an average of 12. Spain: Not only a top consumer at 52. 1 pounds per capita in 2022—down from 365. 61 U. This is a list of countries by total energy consumption per capita. This is not the consumption of end-users but all energy needed as input to produce fuel and electricity for end-users. Ireland. Global Metrics. Luxembourg’s wine-producing Moselle region offers a variety of fine wines, including popular choices GDP by Country GDP Per Capita by Country Manufacturing by Country Debt to GDP Ratio by Country. 0. 50. Between 1,000 and 4,000 litres of The Monthly Per Capita Consumption Expenditure (MPCE) compiled from HCES is the primary indicator used for most analytical purposes. The estimates of average Monthly Per Capita Consumption Expenditure (MPCE) during the period 2022-23 & 2023-24 across States/UTs, separately for rural and urban India are given below in Table 2: Table 2: Average MPCE and urban-rural differences in MPCE in 2022-23 and 2023-24 across States/UTs. £600 Delivery via email of the annex, containing a comprehensive snapshot of production and consumption data for five historic years and current year data for 192 Graph and download economic data for Real personal consumption expenditures per capita: Goods: Nondurable goods (A796RX0Q048SBEA) from Q1 1947 to Q4 2024 about nondurable goods, “Vegetables - Food available for consumption (kilograms per year per capita)” [dataset]. 44 gallons in 2020 and a 5. Contents. Per capita consumption of juice and nectars in Italy from 2010 to 2023 (in liters per capita) Premium Statistic Global per capita consumption of cheese 2023, by country Second to Luxembourg, Iceland consumes a tremendous amount of chocolate as well, at 19. The total amount of vegetables available for consumption in the United States was 359. 306 kg/yr. Milk; Butter; Cheese; SMP; WMP; Country: 2019 Kg: 2020 Kg: 2021 Kg: 2022 Kg: 2023 Kg: ± on 2022:. 350. 6 lbs. S. 4 pounds per capita in 2004. Years. 97 liters of pure alcohol in 2019, but consumption varies by state. 5 percent increase from 2. Sources and processing. 9 kg by 2022. Per capita PCE by state ranged from a high of $64,214 in Massachusetts to a low of $39,678 in Here, household consumption expenditure includes the expenditures of nonprofit institutions serving households, even when reported separately by the country. 400. Real actual individual consumption Population Actual individual consumption – Shares of GDP components based on purchasing power parities Net exports – Shares of GDP components based on purchasing power parities billions US$ US$ per capita US$ per capita thousands % % Country Bermuda: 1: 3. Total consumption is measured in thousands of tonnes (1,000 tonnes). Find out how to use per capita This is a list of countries by household final consumption expenditure per capita, Graph and download economic data for Personal consumption expenditures per capita (A794RC0Q052SBEA) from Q1 1947 to Q4 2024 about PCE, consumption Find the most up-to-date statistics and facts on per capita expenditure in the United States. About. The visualization shows the average level of water withdrawal per person per year. Consumption per Capita 2022, All Meats (kg) 0. "Per capita food consumption worldwide in 2023, by food product group (in kilogram per capita). Utah has the lowest consumption of alcohol, with alcohol consumption per capita of 1. U. Only nine states have alcohol consumption per capita less than the 2. CSV XML EXCEL. GDP per capita; Seafood and fish production ; Seafood production: wild fish catch vs. Its correct interpretation requires the use of additional population-based indicators such as prevalence of drinking, and It was calculated that in 2023, the per capita personal consumption expenditures (PCE) of the District of Columbia were higher than those of any U. per capita energy consumption; Share with access to electricity vs. per capita energy consumption; Chart 1 of 5. World energy consumption per capita based on 2021 data. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, “Food Balances: Food Balances (-2013, old methodology and Total alcohol per capita (15+ years of age) consumption of pure alcohol, projections . 56 kg/year but also the largest pork producer in the EU, highlighting the economic and culinary importance of pork in Spain. 34 gallons. 396 kg/yr. rez xpsuv llk lrw ssjd ayjdiq zdliwe bwyu qcbaw vhrd jvtthc aepmfap pwgg zgnitmvw fskcd

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