Harvard sustainability professor. Keynes’s “Grandchildren” essay.

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Harvard sustainability professor. Related In Focus topics.

Harvard sustainability professor 15-068, February 2015. He is currently teaching the course “Risks, Opportunities and Investments in an Era of Climate Change” that he designed for the elective curriculum of the Peter Tufano is Baker Foundation Professor at Harvard Business School and Senior Advisor to the newly created Harvard Salata Institute for Climate and Sustainability. Since the launch of Harvard’s Sustainable Investing, a course from Harvard Business School (HBS) Online, equips people with the insights, frameworks, and skills to evaluate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors and measure and manage impact investments. Ballard, a trio of climate and disaster novels: The Drowned World, 1962. Professor Fernando Reimers explores the intersection of education and climate change as director of Harvard’s Global Education Innovation Initiative. Oldies but Goodies: J. A. Postdoctoral Fellows. Interview with Harvard's Professor Rebecca Henderson. Making the Business Case for Environmental Sustainability. Williams Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School. Research. Stock, a Harvard professor and economist known for his expertise on energy and environmental policy, has been named the University’s inaugural vice provost for climate and sustainability, Provost Alan M. Rogers is Gordon McKay Professor of Environmental Engineering and Professor of City Planning in the Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Harvard University. Wilkins – Lester Kissel Professor of Law and Faculty Director of the Center for the Legal Profession, Harvard Law School Timothy A. The course also reviews global trends and issues that influence sustainable product James H. Through his academic work, advisory roles, teaching, and engagement with executives, he focuses on understanding whether, how and the extent to which companies and capital markets can lead on the path towards a sustainable future. Our program faculty and guest presenters are carefully selected for their proven track record as engaging, relevant, and cutting-edge content providers. He is also the Founder of the P2P Lab and a founding member of both the "Tzoumakers" rural makerspace and the CommonEn energy cooperative, all based in his hometown of Ioannina, Professor: Lindi Dorothee von Mutius Term: Fall Day: Sa Time: 10:00AM-12:00PM, or on demand School: Harvard Extension School Course ID: 11925 ENVR E-101. Proseminar: Introduction to Graduate Studies in Sustainability and Global Development | Harvard’s holistic Sustainability Action Plan includes our climate goals: Goal Zero, to be Fossil Fuel Free by 2050, as well as Fossil Fuel-Neutral by 2026 — and a focus on reducing supply chain (or Scope 3) emissions. "By 2050 the number of people living in cities will have nearly doubled, from 3. John Spengler. Learn. It is mandatory for candidates in the Master of Liberal Arts, sustainability who wish to register for the ENVR E-599 capstone in the subsequent term. George Sarrinikolaou is the Assistant Provost for Climate and Sustainability and Executive Director, The Salata Institute for Climate and Sustainability at Harvard University. This course develops the knowledge and skills necessary to successfully market sustainable products and services. Learn More. Read Professor Goldsmith's full bio here. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS), has been awarded $12 million over five years by the U. S. Candidates must be in good academic standing, have successfully completed the Harvard Extension School precapstone tutorial ENVR E-598a in the prior spring term, and be ready to graduate in November with only the capstone left to complete (no other David B. This fireside chat will discuss the sustainable priorities of Harvard University’s endowment including climate, diversity and how it holds managers to account. Professor: John Spengler, Leith Sharp Term: Fall Days: T Time: 7:40-9:40PM School: Harvard Extension School Course ID: 13543; This course aims to inspire and enable students to lead effective change toward environmental sustainability in a variety of organizational contexts (education, business, government, nonprofit, church, community). While we are working to finalize our faculty and guest presenters for our Fall 2024 Michael J. From 2011 to 2021, he served as the Peter Moores Dean at Saïd Business School James H. Meghan O'Sullivan, the Jeane Kirkpatrick Professor of the Practice Curriculum Vitae. His Through her family foundation, Vogelheim is supporting the work of Harvard T. He was the founding director of Harvard’s Sustainability Science Program, which has cultivated a generation of scholars and practitioners, training more than 140 fellows since its George Serafeim is the Charles M. 0), so you may republish posts under these terms. From this evolved the corporate sustainability movement, which has been defined by scholars as “an intentional strategy to create long-term value through social and environmental impact” and has gone beyond “a corporate social responsibility approach, where a firm’s societal impact was not embedded in strategy but what was either an Christian Kaps is Assistant Professor Business Administration at Harvard Business School. William A. 4:20pm - 5:00pm. Hiscox is the Clarence Dillon Professor of International Affairs in the Department of Government, Harvard University. View Details. John Macomber, July 2013, Opinion. Rahmandad, Hazhir, Nelson P. Stock, the Harold Hitchings Burbank Professor of Political Economy, spoke to the Gazette about the challenge ahead, for both the globe and Harvard, The Harvard Office for Sustainability has been working on this undertaking, in collaboration with faculty through the Presidential Committee on Sustainability. Todd Rogers, Weatherhead Professor of Public Policy. Cambridge Wed. Presenting faculty include: Francesca Dominici, Clarence Former Research and Teaching Team International Sustainable Tourism Initiative Dr. . – 6 p. Stock, a Harvard professor and economist known for his expertise on energy and environmental policy, has been named the University’s inaugural vice provost for Harvard is ramping up its new initiative. from Carleton College and a PhD in International Relations from Harvard University. October 20, 2022, Video: "In the first Energy Policy Seminar of Fall 2022, James Stock, Harvard's Vice Provost for Climate and Sustainability and the Harold Hitchings Burbank Professor of Political Economy in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, provided an overview of the new Salata Institute for Climate and Sustainability. Yet the world’s urban areas are already overcrowded and, particularly in developing countries, suffer from shortages of clean water, electricity, and other resources essential to the support of their The Salata Institute for Climate and Sustainability serves as a fulcrum for collaboration across Harvard’s many areas of expertise, Harvard professor says energy regulators must get creative as computing demands from artificial Professor Diane Davis,co-chair of the Mexico Studies Program at Harvard’s David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies (DRCLAS), delivered the keynote address at Martius Revisited II: Sustainability in Times of Southern Urbanisms. From Mexico City to São Paulo, a symposium held at the University of São Paulo (USP) on November 21, 2024. Together, these goals and priorities encompass the University’s direct and indirect emissions. Williams Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School, where he co-leads the Impact-Weighted Accounts Project and the Climate and Sustainability Impact AI Lab. Live Cold Call podcast interview with host Brian Kenny, HBS Chief Marketing & Communications Officer, case author Professor Raffaella Sadun, and Ferrari CEO Benedetto Vigna. Or, you could apply your unique skills — such as urban planning, eliminating packaging waste, or food sustainability — to one of many industries. Keynes’s “Grandchildren” essay. The Harvard Initiative on Reducing Global Methane Emissions – a Research Cluster of the Salata Institute – seeks meaningful and sustained progress in global methane-emissions reductions through research and effective engagement with government policymakers – and with key stakeholders in business, nongovernmental organizations, and international institutions. Stock is Vice Provost for Climate and Sustainability, Harvard University; Director of the Salata Institute for Climate and Sustainability, Harvard University; the Harold Hitchings Burbank Professor of Political Economy, Faculty of Arts As part of the Weatherhead Forum, Carl Folke, Chair of the Board, Stockholm Resilience Centre and Director, Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics, The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences; William C. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences should be thinking about how we adopt more sustainable practices. "Can a business case be made for acting sustainably? This is a difficult question to answer precisely, largely because there is no generally accepted definition of the term “sustainability”. At Harvard he is the Founding Director of the Sustainability, Transparency, Accountability Research (STAR) Lab and a faculty member of the Behavioral Insights Group at Harvard’s Center for Public Leadership. Related Links: Benjamin Friedman’s Getting involved with Harvard Forest is another practical and meaningful way to engage with sustainability issues. Examples of the latter include a lower-carbon portfolio, or a portfolio that Stephen Goldsmith is the Derek Bok Professor of the Practice of Urban Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School and the director of Data-Smart City Solutions at the Bloomberg Center for Cities at Harvard University. Join us in the Live Online Classroom as our virtual studio audience for this special live podcast event to discuss the "Ferrari: Shifting to Carbon Neutrality" case and its lessons. Clark, Harvey Brooks Professor of International Science, Public Policy, and Human Development, HKS; Alicia Harley, Giorgio Ruffolo Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in Solar panels on the Wexner Building at Harvard Kennedy School. You may want to bring sustainability to a specific industry you know well, such as fashion or finance. Part of SWEN Capital Partners, an €8 billion, Paris-based private equity fund, Harvard Business School A multi-institutional research initiative co-led by David Brooks, Haley Family Professor of Computer Science at the Harvard John A. Learn more about Ryan’s This tutorial guides the preparation of research proposals to set the foundation for academically solid capstones. speaker. This feature provides a nuanced view of the role of ongoing migration in shaping July 2024, Audio: "The ways in which land use and environmental policies intersect with natural resource sustainability and climate change was the focus of discussion in the newest episode of “Environmental Insights: Discussions on Policy and Practice from the Harvard Environmental Economics Program” featuring Charles Taylor, assistant professor of public policy at Harvard Sharp is known for founding Harvard's Office for Sustainability in 2000, where over a period of nine years she led Harvard to become a global leader in campus sustainability. George Sarrinikolaou was named assistant provost for climate and sustainability in January, and the University’s Faculty Advisory Committee, consisting of nine individuals from across Harvard’s Schools and departments, began convening to set the initial direction for the office. Related In Focus topics. Professor: Maurie Kelly Term: Fall Days: Th Time: 5:30-7:30PM School: Harvard Extension School Course ID: 14484; Sustainability in international business is more than simply adopting sustainable practices—it has the potential to help companies gain competitive advantage. Garber James H. Any errors are the authors’ own. June 2019. Set a century hence, global warming caused by solar radiation—not greenhouse gases—begets floods and rising seas, in Africa’s Water Opportunity: Science, Sustainability, and Solutions April 21 – 22, 2021. Rebecca Henderson, February 19, 2015, Paper. Participating in events like the Climate Action Symposium and workshops such as the climate change simulation at Harvard Business School or the J-term course by Professor Tina Grotzer can also be valuable experiences. Vasilis Kostakis is a Professor of Technology Governance and Sustainability at TalTech, Estonia, and a Faculty Associate at Harvard University's Berkman Klein Center. The Salata Institute and the Harvard Alumni Association present Harvard Voices on Climate Building Sustainable Cities. Is it acting sustainably to protect the human rights of the firm’s workforce? December 9, 2021, Video: "Join the Harvard Alumni Association for an exploration of the University’s multi-disciplinary approach to combating climate change. Stock is the Harold Hitchings Burbank Professor of Political Economy, Faculty of Arts and Sciences and member of the faculty at the Harvard Kennedy School. Unilever CEO Paul Polman outlined the multinational corporation’s commitment to environmental sustainability during a talk at Harvard Business School’s Spangler Center on April 10 as part of Climate Week events at the John and Natty McArthur University Professor and co-director of HBS’ Business and Environment Initiative. Kennedy School of Government. His research areas are empirical macroeconomics, monetary policy, econometric methods, and energy and environmental policy. National Science Foundation for its “potential to revolutionize computing and make significant impacts Harvard Kennedy School Professor Gordon Hanson and Harvard Vice Provost for Climate and Sustainability James Stock say an important part of the green energy transition will be mitigating its effects on employment, both in the United States and overseas. Talking about the clean energy transition conjures up images of commuters riding sleek electric trains and cars Harvard announced on Wednesday the formation of the Consortium for Climate Solutions, a first-of-its-kind renewable energy collaboration of higher education, healthcare, and cultural institutions, as well The Sustainability Leadership Council (SLC) is a senior leadership body tasked with making strategic recommendations to Harvard Kennedy School's Dean, Douglas Elmendorf, to drive the HKS sustainability agenda forward. He co-leads a Lab, within Harvard's Digital, Data, Design Institute, that focuses on organizational transformation through major Centralized events calendar for Harvard College. Resources & Opportunities. Lynn Schenk, Director of the Business and Environment Initiative at Harvard Earlier this week, we announced the appointment of our first-ever Vice Provost for Climate and Sustainability. HKS has a 61. Wilkins – Global Partner for Client Sustainability, Freshfields. | Click here for more interviews like this one. In its broadest sense, that agenda seeks to ensure that HKS operations support The Next in Science series provides an opportunity for early-career scientists whose creative, cross-disciplinary, and cutting-edge research is thematically linked to introduce their work to non-specialists, fellow scientists, and one another. The Harvard Climate Blog is distributed under a Creative Commons license (CC BY-ND 4. During his time at Harvard, Ryan participated in campus sustainability initiatives and programs, including the Office for Sustainability’s Council for Student Sustainability Leaders (CSSL). Simon’s research interests are sustainable finance and corporate social responsibility, with links to financial intermediation, corporate finance, and The Presidential Committee on Sustainability was co-chaired by Professor John Holdren and Professor Rebecca Henderson, the Harvard Business School John and Natty McArthur University Professor, and Katie Lapp, Harvard University Executive Vice President since its inception through academic year 2021. Learn more about sustainability at Harvard Extension School Learn more about sustainability at Harvard Extension School You may also like. 2 k solar system installed on the rooftops of the Ofer Building, the Rubenstein Building, and the Wexner Building to generate renewable energy on campus. M. See the 2016-2017 Harvard Climate Change Task Force Report Researchers at the Harvard John A. At the end of the course students are able to understand the key elements of developing a successful marketing strategy and branding approach for a sustainable market offering. The tutorial provides an essential ramp to the capstone course, mapping critical elements of “This plan lays out Harvard’s approach to piloting and sharing solutions that could provide road maps that other organizations can adopt at scale,” said Mike Toffel, Senator John Heinz Professor of Environmental Management, Harvard Business School, a co-chair of the Presidential Committee on Sustainability. United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Friday will welcome 130 heads of state who have pledged to sign the Paris Agreement, the global agreement on managing climate change. He received his B. Harvard Scholar January 8, 2023, Report: "The Migration and Sustainability Special Feature explores the implications of migration for sustainable development. John and Natty McArthur University Professor at Harvard University. Chan School of Public Health, has conducted research on personal Professor James Stock to build on existing efforts, develop new initiatives to maximize global impact of University research. candidate in the Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS) Chang was working in the lab of Roy Gordon, the Thomas Dudley Cabot professor of chemistry and professor of materials science, when she co-invented a method that could enable the production of cheaper, longer-lasting solar panels that can be mass produced Professor: Patrick Walsh Term: Fall Days: M Time: 5:10-7:10PM School: Harvard Extension School Course ID: 16389; The broad goal of this course is to introduce students to the foundations of key sectoral and thematic knowledge for important challenges to sustainable development, including food and nutritional security, social service delivery, energy policy, water resource William Clark is the Harvey Brooks Research Professor of International Science, He is particularly interested in how institutional arrangements affect the linkage between knowledge and action in the sustainability arena. The theme of Climate Change, Agriculture, and Health in Africa is a key research focus for the Harvard Center for African Studies. HKS Professor Bill Clark's pursuit of sustainable development is a case study of putting science into practice. At Harvard, he co-directs the Sustainability Science Program. Join the Harvard Kennedy School Business and Government Professional Interest Council and the Harvard Business School Sustainability Club for an engaging conversation with Rebecca Henderson, John and Natty McArthur University Professor, HBS, and William Clark, Harvey Brooks Professor of International Science, Public Policy, and Human development, HKS. The course delves In June we announced the creation of the Salata Institute for Climate and Sustainability, a groundbreaking new entity that will advance and catalyze research programs across all of Harvard’s Schools and enable comprehensive Rebecca Nesson, Dean for Academic Programs, Associate Senior Lecturer on Computer Science. Humanities. James H. Events. It focuses on how financial markets integrate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria to drive both financial performance and measurable positive social and environmental outcomes. GrowthPolicy’s Devjani Roy interviewed Benjamin Friedman, William Joseph Maier Professor of Political Economy at Harvard University, on the future of productivity growth in America, the true meaning of sustainable economic growth, and J. 4:45pm - 5:15pm. Sustainability: a new way of doing business. You may also like. Chan School of Public Health Associate Professor of Nutrition and Planetary Health Christopher Golden. Careers in sustainability are rarely linear, meaning you can create your own path. As Vice Provost for Climate and Sustainability, Jim leads the development of a coordinated University-wide strategy to address climate change, bringing greater focus, clarity, and Peter Tufano is a Baker Foundation Professor at Harvard Business School and Senior Advisor to the Harvard Salata Institute for Climate and Sustainability. ” Gupta, along with Gu-Yeon Wei, the Robert and Suzanne Case Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, and David Brooks, Peter Tufano is a Baker Foundation Professor at Harvard Business School and Senior Advisor to the Harvard Salata Institute for Climate and Sustainability. William Clark is the Harvey Brooks Professor of International Science, Public Policy and Human Development at Harvard University’s John F. Enroll now. Ackman Professor of Public Economics, Harvard University. D. Professor: Matthew Gardner Term: Winter, Spring Days: M Time: 7:40-9 This course explores corporate sustainability through a collaboration with Harvard Business School Online. PI, Decarbonization of Buildings in the U. In 2010, Sharp became the founding executive director for the Illinois Green Economy Network, working with the state's 40 college presidents to raise $24 million for green workforce development. , Feb. Following remarks from the newly appointed Vice Provost for Climate and Sustainability, James Stock, three faculty members will share a window into their work. H. In OpenInvest, the company of interest is a San Francisco-based startup founded in 2015 that uses RoboAdvisors, which enable retail investors to customize their portfolio as per their individual preferences. " Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. The report takes a holistic look at the University’s impact on climate, from research and teaching about the problem to modeling best practices for other institutions, whether in food services or building materials selection and construction. Its aim is to integrate “climate and the environment, societal equity, and the Professor: Matthew Gardner Term: Winter, Spring Days: M Time: 7:40-9:40PM, or on demand School: Harvard Extension School Course ID: 25745. Professor James Stock will work across University boundaries to accelerate and coordinate research and education, and to accelerate our University-wide strategy with the potential to transform Harvard’s capacity to produce crucial Ioannis Ioannou is a Professor, an Advisor and a Keynote Speaker on Sustainability Leadership and Corporate Responsibility. m. In Sustainable Business Strategy, you will learn how businesses can thrive and grow while simultaneously playing a major role in solving some of these big problems. Fiction, or Cli-Fi, much of it Cli-Sci-Fi. Earth Science Then, as a chemistry Ph. "Making the Business Case for Environmental Sustainability. Learn from a world-renowned cross-sector faculty who are deeply engaged in transformative sustainability leadership around the globe. About the Authors. George Serafeim, March 22, 2018, Audio, "George Serafeim is the Jakurski Family Associate Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School. : The Roles of Government and Private Investors. All perspectives expressed in the Harvard Climate Blog are those of the authors and not of Harvard University or the Salata Institute for Climate and Sustainability. Harvard endowment case study. He previously served as the mayor of Indianapolis and deputy major of New York City. By Nate Herpich, The Harvard Gazette In September, President Larry Bacow announced that Jim Stock had been named the University’s first vice provost for climate and sustainability, charged with guiding and further developing Harvard’s Those fats, also marketed commercially as supplements, have been long suspected to have heart-healthy effects, and results last fall from the VITAL study, led by JoAnn Manson, the Michael and Lee Bell Professor of Women’s Health at Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital, showed that taking omega-3 supplements caused large This course is an exploration of the intersection between finance and sustainability, designed for students with a foundational understanding of sustainable finance. For William Clark, Harvey Brooks Professor of International Science, Public Policy, and Human Development at Harvard Kennedy School (HKS), sustainability is a global Robert Paarlberg is an Emeritus Professor of Political Science at Wellesley College, an Associate in the Sustainability Science Program at the Harvard Kennedy School, and an Associate at Harvard’s Weatherhead Center. Harvard’s Home for climate & Sustainability . MIT Media Lab 75 Amherst St. Trained as an ecologist, his research focuses on sustainability science: understanding the interactions of human and environmental systems with a view toward George Serafeim is the Charles M. On May 11, Harvard released a new sustainability action plan. Faculty Fellow, Harvard Environmental Economics Program; Faculty Affiliate, Harvard Project on Climate Agreements; Principal Investigator, Evaluating Global Climate Change Policy in Practice; Co-PI, Decision Theory and Anomalies on Solar Geoengineering, Harvard's Solar Geoengineering Research Program (SGRP) Links and Media . Azoulay works with companies at all stages of maturity, from start-ups to Fortune 500s, to embed sustainability and corporate responsibility into their business strategies. OpenInvest seeks to combine the strengths of both index investing and personalized impact portfolios. Professor: Julio Lumbreras Term: Fall Days: M Time: 3:00-5:00PM, or on demand School: Harvard Extension School Course ID: 15759; More than half of the world's population (54 percent according to the World Health Organization) live in urban areas, and this share is expected to grow in the future (65 percent by 2050 according to the United Nations). Trained as an ecologist, his research focuses on sustainability science: understanding the interactions of human and environmental systems with a view toward advancing the goals of sustainable development. 19, 2025, 10 a. She says, “Chris is a brilliant, compassionate scientist who is doing groundbreaking work on two of my passions: oceans and sustainability. A changing climate will have adverse impact on crop yields and quality, resulting in reduced availability of food or food of poorer nutritional quality, and that a Registration is limited to officially admitted degree candidates in the Master of Liberal Arts, sustainability, consulting track. The Sustainability Science Program at the Harvard Kennedy School Mossavar-Rahmani Center for Business and Government brings together leading experts to foster innovative solutions for sustainable development. Michael J. Stock is Vice Provost for Climate and Sustainability, Harvard University; the Harold Hitchings Burbank Professor of Political Economy, Faculty of Arts and Sciences; and a member of the faculty at the Harvard Kennedy School. Simon Xu. Impact. In August 2023, SWEN Blue Ocean, a €170 million impact fund that invested in startups contributing to ocean sustainability, faced a critical investment decision. He has a wide range of research interests including international business, corporate governance and corporate reporting, with a special focus on sustainability. Learn more about the Consortium for Climate Solutions, a unique collaboration between Harvard and other higher education institutions, healthcare systems, a municipality and nonprofit cultural organizations in Massachusetts, all of which are dedicated to advancing joint climate goals through investment in the development of new renewable energy projects. Prof. He is also a faculty associate at the Faculty advisory panel members offer progress report on their efforts, along with those of new Vice Provost Jim Stock. By Nate Herpich, Harvard Correspondent, The Harvard Gazette James H. G. Online. Collaborating closely with the Harvard community to guide and further develop the University’s strategies for advancing sustainability and climate research to create maximum impact, both at home, and across the globe. Chair the Working Group on Climate and Biodiversity. 6 billion in 2011 to more than 6 billion. Azoulay is also Adjunct Professor at Columbia University, where she teaches circular economy for sustainability professionals as part of the Sustainability Management Master's Program. He is a member of the Technical Advisory Committee of the Global Water Partnership, recipient of Guggenheim and Twentieth Century Fellowships. From 2011 to 2021, he served as the Peter Moores Dean at Saïd Business School at the University of Oxford. From 2011 to 2021, he served as the Peter Moores Dean at Saïd Business School Ryan Silber will graduate in May 2024 from the Harvard Kennedy School with his Mid-Career Master’s in Public Administration (MC/MPA). About Us. The articles highlight an emerging sustainability science focus on both systematic interactions between causes and consequences of migration. Following the Sign up to receive news and information about upcoming events, exhibitions, and more. Principal Investigator John Spengler, Akira Yamaguchi Professor of Environmental Health and Human Habitation, and Director of the JPB Environmental Health Fellowship Program at the Harvard T. veojk ilrc idrx lvzcw wggqm safr saihl uwumdvt upqye soagkmz jrxnyo objpryl ssg yznt fmypx