Australian army doctrine. Comprising of 8 publications, each one describes.
Australian army doctrine It enables a smaller force to take on and defeat a larger force in battle. 3 Ibid. "Doctrine is not a statement of official Government policy. [13] Christopher Coulthard-Clark, 1991, The Third Brother: The Royal Australian Air Force 1921–39 (Sydney: Allen & Unwin in association with the Royal A description of how a joint force commander might plan, prepare, deploy, employ, sustain and redeploy a joint force. Place emphasis on small unit combat instruction so that it is conducted with the same precision as close-order drill. Sep 3, 2024 · This episode looks at how the lessons learnt process in jungle warfare doctrine development and is part of our series on the Kokoda Campaign and Mobilisation. [233] Some lessons were passed on by officers who escaped from Malaya and Singapore the Australian Army built on its experience and asserted its independence by developing its own doctrine, firstly by amending British pamphlets and later by publishing its own. AUSTRALIAN ARMY LAND WARFARE DOCTRINE LWD 0-2-2 CHARACTER This publication supersedes Manual of Land Warfare 3-2-5, Character Training, 1983. To develop such doctrine, the Australian Army requires a conversation, drawing on analysis of best practice, personal observation and lessons captured from over a decade of recent deployments. Photographs 6. Introduction. The Chief of Army, recognising the emergence of a new trend, has called for further analysis on the lessons of counterinsurgency, particularly from a historical perspective. 88 Army’s capstone doctrine, Land Warfare Doctrine (LWD) 1. Amendments. Jun 16, 2022 · Army’s role as a strategic actor will require the Army to create a new type of formation, preferably multiple ones, with new doctrine and training that is focused around the missile launcher rather than a tactical-focused combined arms team. However, Australian Army design doctrine is undeveloped, particularly in light of the US experience. Chapter 5—How We Fight 25 The Australian Approach to War 25 The Australian Army’s Aspiration: a Manoeuvrist Way of War 27 The Reality of War—Exhaustion 28 Explaining the Manoeuvrist Contradiction 30 Squaring the Future War Circle 31 The Levels of War 32 Training for War 35 The publication should also inform Australian Public Service (APS) personnel about the nature of military ethics. It provides a foundation for understanding leadership and a guide for leader training and development across the Australian Defence Force. It calls for “An Army optimised for littoral manoeuvre with a long-range land and maritime strike capability. This issue of the Australian Army Journal signposts the new knowledge we might need in respect to technology, ways of fighting and geography. The Australian Army is on board, fully embarked and ready to play its part. Introduction Understanding defeat is vital to understanding the Australian Army approach to warfare. : 2002. g. However, in the near future Army plans to replace the M113AS4 APC of the mechanised infantry with an IFV capability. The former requires a real intellectual effort to decipher. 95 Reviewed by: John Connor Sometimes it takes an outsider to provide a clear-eyed interpretation of a controversial event in a nation’s history. The nature and scope of joint and multinational logistics in support of operations, from the strategic to the tactical level, is described in detail in Australian Defence Doctrine Publication 4. Mar 24, 2023 · Military field manuals,combat,foreign countries. 0 states that ‘Land forces require high-quality personnel moulded by training AUSTRALIAN ARMY LAND WARFARE DOCTRINE LWD 5-1-4 THE MILITARY APPRECIATION PROCESS This publication supersedes Land Warfare Doctrine 5-1-4, The Military Appreciation Process, 2009. The past is, indeed, prologue for military professionals. Language: english. This publication supersedes both Australian Defence Force – Capstone – 0 Foundations of Australian Military Doctrine, Edition 4 and Australian Defence Australian Army, Land Warfare Doctrine, LWD 0-0 Command, Leadership and Management, 2003. Admittedly, while this document emphasises the importance of surprise to victory and outlines case studies where surprise has been employed successfully, it does not provide doctrine. This confusion in Australian Army doctrine has directly contributed to organisational laziness in terms of how DEs, are taught, articulated and employed. 0, Intelligence) and strategic, operational, theatre and tactical headquarters is important when considering early deployment, collection planning, intelligence support plans Keywords: Levels of War, Military Doctrine, Cultural Change The Australian Army officially adopted Maneuver Theory as its underpinning war fighting philosophy in the late 1990’s and each successive version of the Army’s capstone doctrine has Jul 9, 2017 · Such idiosyncratic doctrine could introduce risk into military education and operations, and increase doctrine churn as the original advocate passes from the scene. His research focuses on the militaries of the British Empire/Commonwealth in the interwar period (1919–1939 This paper examines the development of Australian Army doctrine from the end of the Vietnam War in 1972 to the publication of Land Warfare Doctrine 1, The Fundamentals of Land Warfare in March 1999. With this understanding, recommendations are made for a response by the Australian Army. Comprising of 8 publications, each one describes Jun 19, 2017 · Information would become reachable, interlinked, and more easily updated. Aug 12, 2024 · Learning to Learn: The Evolution of Jungle Warfare Doctrine in the Australian Army During World War II. History - especially military history - provides valuable insights into statecraft and warfare. Australian Army Manual of Land Warfare, Part Two, Infantry The Road to Singapore: The Myth of British Betrayal , Written by: Augustine Meaher IV, Melbourne, Australian Scholarly Publishing, 2010, ISBN 9781921509957, 243 pp, RRP AU$39. Strategic guidence is not a substitute for doctrine. From Moltke To Bin Laden: The Relevance Of Doctrine In The Contemporary Military Environment Sep 17, 2023 · australian army land warfare procedures - general lwp-g 3-9-6 operations in urban environments developing doctrine bookreader item preview Abstract. The term center of gravity entered Australian Army doctrine in 1992 and ADF joint doctrine in 1998. This article had its genesis in a background study for the development of a new Australian Army counter-insurgency doctrine. 0, Defence Logistics. [1] While the 2020 Defence Strategic Update modified the terminology somewhat,[2] to defeat an enemy is still central to the Army’s purpose. The review similarly makes clear that the Indo-Pacific is the primary area of military interest for Australian defence planners. This article exclusively refers to levels of war, as command is a function which traverses the levels of war Without doubt, the Australian Army comprehends the vital role that an effective training philosophy plays in developing ‘an army of excellence’. Land Warfare Doctrine 1 states that the Army denies and defeats threats to Australia and its interests. DATE provides a sophisticated operating environment and adversary construct which is constantly updated to reflect current real-world operations. gov. Examples of further training include; specialist armoured ambushing and raiding, AArmd attack by fire (ABF) and support by fire (SBF) employment, armoured fighting vehicle (AFV) and rotary wing aircraft (RWA) identification and ISR ability through advanced weapon optics, and BG and CT reserve tasks. Land Warfare Doctrine 4-0, Logistics is primarily focused on Australian Army logistics contribution to operations. The definition of Levels of War in Land Warfare Doctrine 1 begins by confusing levels of war and levels of command. This publication is a valuable item and has been printed in a limited production run. Australia has a history of seeking to ‘punch above its weight' with battle cunning and stealth, backed up with, but not driven by, kinetic capabilities. Since the first edition in 1977, published as The Fundamentals of Land Force Operations (Provisional), the Australian Army has sought to evolve its capstone warfighting doctrine to take into account changes in international affairs, technology, Government policy and changes in the character of Australian society more generally. At the same time, a doctrine wiki could increase access to doctrine, and encourage soldiers to be more engaged with its development. Lieutenant General David Morrison, AO took up his appointment as Chief of Army in June 2011. 10 The Royal Australian Navy’s definition of doctrine states that ‘military doctrine contains the fundamental principles by which military forces guide their actions in support of national objectives’. In turn, the Australian people have an expectation that ethical considerations will guide the Australian Government in deciding to commit the ADF in defence of national interests, and in providing care for those who have contend poses fundamental challenges to long-established Australian strategic doctrine, and the ADF’s core military doctrine which underpins wider national strategy. Proposals to amend ADF-P-7 . , Royal Military College, Australian Defence Force Academy, and Australian Defence College) should review their current practices to emphasise and highlight the utility of applying learning-oriented leadership practices. Australian Defence Force (ADF) Doctrine describes the principles that guide the employment and operational effectiveness of our Defence Force and provides guidance to Defence to solve and/or achieve military objectives in line with the Australian Government’s intent. Australian Army can re-energize mobilisation by developing training systems, methods, and facility options that enable the mobilisation requirements of modern and future warfighting. Created by: Lloyd Glover. SUBJECT TERMS (KEY WORDS ON WHICH TO PERFORM SEARCH) Mobilization, mobilisation, Defence, Defense, Australia, Australian, Army, Training, Doctrine, Battles are fought by platoons and squads. Australian Army Manual of Land Warfare, Part Two, Infantry Training, Volume 1, Pamphlet No 4, The Infantry Soldiers Handbook; b. 6 Andrew Maher, 2019, ‘Accelerating Rate of Change in Warfare’, Land Power Forum, 8 May 2019. The Australian Army’s undeveloped view of design is a handicap for planners addressing complex operational problems. To the military professional, history is not merely about commemoration. Still, as the late Michael Howard source for current doctrine. From the Pentropic Division (a cautionary tale) to Air-Land Battle, we have closely examined US Army doctrine and modified it to support our circumstances. "Capstone series". The Decisive Action Training Environment (DATE) will Australian Army Occasional Paper No. Conclusion DE planning is fundamentally interlaced in the Australian Army’s system and philosophy for tactical design; a synthesis of the science and art of tactics. 14. Aug 22, 2024 · The Australian Army’s place in National Defence Strategy. Currently, Army doctrine is spread across three hundred pamphlets of between 80 and over 400 pages in length. Feb 13, 2025 · Doctrine is held in such high regard by military professionals that one senior officer termed it 'the heart of the army. In an attempt to address similar problems, recent amendments to Land Warfare Doctrine include discussion of operational design. TOC 3 Issued by command of This doctrine offers ways to understand this duty, and gives guidance on how to exercise our military responsibilities ethically. This publication provides an overview of how the ADF must operate as an integrated force which has a clear understanding of how military power supports national power. Sep 16, 2013 · Osiel's argument accords with concepts resonant in professional militaries around the world. Soldiers value these manuals and their successors. It serves as a foundation for ethical training and development across the ADF. This doctrine is the public expression of how our military capabilities are developed and orchestrated to achieve the Government’s military power and objectives. Australian doctrine tends to appreciate Nov 5, 2024 · The webpage hosts Defence’s capstone doctrine (ADF-C-0 Australian Military Power) and will continue to grow to include a number of publications which outline Defence’s considerations when planning and working in multi-jurisdictional and multi-actor environments during natural and human induced crises, in due course. 5 Australian Army, 2018, Land Warfare Doctrine 2-0, Intelligence, Ch 2. c. See full list on researchcentre. This new publication is designed for commanders and their staff at the operational and tactical levels when conducting planning activities. This proposal also provides an opportunity to enhance the Army’s existing AArmd training. Australian Defence Doctrine Publication (ADDP) 00. ADDP 00. Where US and Australian approaches diverge is in the amount of doctrinal guidance provided. This publication supersedes Land Warfare Doctrine 5-1-1, Staff Officers’ Guide, 2011, Doctrine Note 2-2014, Combat Brigade Aide-Memoire and Doctrine Note 3-2009, Army Command and Control and Technical Control. Multi-Domain Operations (MDO) could be just Nov 8, 2024 · The Fundamentals of Land Power provides a base point in the Australian Army’s philosophy from which all doctrine, education and training is derived. Australia has experienced five dominant doctrinal paradigms, at the strategic level, since Federation. Boundaries are blurring as the distinction between war and peace, front and rear, and friendly and enemy become unclear. What the Australian Army needs to envisage is gaining the ability to dominate a vast battle space. The latter, from Australian Army doctrine, leaves no room for doubt, and lifts one’s spirits with its clarity and call to action. iv. He served with the Australian Army in East Timor, Malaysia, and Solomon Islands; United States Army in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Kuwait; and United Nations in Israel, Lebanon, and Syria. Its raison d'être is that of a force multiplier. ' While widely accepted now, doctrine did not appear until the mid-nineteenth century. The ADF-P-0 Military Ethics doctrine summarizes the key principles of military ethics as applied by the Australian Defence Force. Sep 26, 2021 · Previously, he served more than 39 years in the Australian Defence Force with leadership responsibilities for strategy, campaigning, and innovation. The answer can be found in a comparison of the paragraph I have quoted above and the one following it. Sep 26, 2024 · Dr Jordan Beavis is an Academic Research Officer at the Australian Army Research Centre, having formally worked as a Researcher for the Australian War Memorial’s Official History of Australian Operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. If firepower is in the ascendancy over manoeuvre, if Australia is a status quo power and if we may face an adversary that threatens our national Oct 31, 2024 · Australian Military Power is the ADF's capstone doctrine. Often tacit, the power and credence of the appeal to high-mindedness is made explicit in United States Army and Marine Corps counterinsurgency doctrine, which argues ‘lose moral legitimacy, lose the war’. It is part of an interview with Dr Adrian Threlfall, an expert in Doctrine Development in the Second World War. 74 His call points to the need to re-visit and re-work the earlier proven Australian Army doctrine that today appears to have been taken for granted. Apr 21, 2016 · A study of Army’s education, training and doctrine needs for the future Introduction. 1 If anyone requires convincing that the Australian Army is serious about succeeding in close combat then Land Warfare Doctrine 1 (LWD-1) should be their first stop. Gender 7. 11 The Indian Navy offers two Dec 1, 2022 · Military doctrine is one of the conceptual components of war. This paper examines the development of Australian Army doctrine from the end of the Vietnam War in 1972 to the publication of Land Warfare Doctrine 1, The Fundamentals of Land Warfare in March 1999. Dec 2, 2021 · The aim of this article has been to contribute to the debate started by Albert Palazzo about the future role of the Australian Army in Planning to Not Lose: The Australian Army's New Philosophy of War. It analyses the rise of Army doctrine for continental defence operations in the 1970s and dissects the trend towards low-level conflict in the 1980s. of doctrine given by the South African Navy, is identical to the NATO definition of doctrine discussed below. Both are vehicle borne and share a common basis in training, yet they operate differently. Mar 5, 2019 · The Australian Army is introducing a new opposing force to replace the Musorian Forces doctrine. About the Author. 01 March 2009 The topic of this paper is the Military Appreciation Process (MAP), which is the structured procedure employed by the Australian Army for operational planning. In recent times Army doctrine has been more exclusively Australian. ADF-P-7 LEARIG – EDITIO 3. Doctrine is a description of how we within the ADF think about the application of force in our nation's interests Land Warfare Doctrine 1: The Fundamentals of Land Warfare, Australian Army, 2002 “Illustrates the Australian Army’s concept of land power, and integrates military thought based on historical experience of the nature and conduct of war, with contemporary military thinking to create a foundation for success in modern conflict. Doctrine Wing, Doctrine and Simulation Group, Land Warfare Development Centre is responsible for the management and sponsorship of this publication. ” Mar 4, 2025 · The ADF recently published new doctrine - the Australian Defence Force – Integration – 5 (ADF-I-5) Decision-Making and Planning Processes (DMPP). Mar 4, 2025 · To develop such doctrine, the Australian Army requires a conversation, drawing on analysis of best practice, personal observation and lessons captured from over a decade of recent deployments. In peacetime, Australian military doctrine has generally adhered to static geographic notions of ‘air-sea gaps’ and moat-protected ‘naval bastions’, only to be continually confronted in times of crisis with a requirement to deploy its military forces overseas. Users are to ensure currency of all doctrine publications against the Doctrine Online library. While providing overarching guidance for the ADF, the NDS goes further to define the Australian Government’s requirements for the Australian Army. All photographs in this publication were taken by Australian Defence Force personnel during military operations or training activities and remain the property of the Australian Defence Force. They are rarely seen and even more Australian Army Journal 2024, Volume XX, No 2 Foreword to the fixed nature of war. The clear conclusion from the Australian (and Western) experience is that special In comparison the Australian Army currently fields both mechanised and motorised infantry types within its combat brigades. This page provides enhanced access to selected unclassified doctrine that would normally only be accessible through the Defence Restricted Network (DRN). au Since the first edition in 1977, published as The Fundamentals of Land Force Operations (Provisional), the Australian Army has sought to evolve its capstone warfighting doctrine to take into account changes in international affairs, technology, government policy and changes in the character of Australian society more generally. Army leadership training doctrine and delivery centres (e. 1st ed. The doctrine contained herein was approved on 17 November, 2003. Archival research showed that the Australian counter-insurgency doctrine employed in such post-1945 conflicts as Burma, Malaya, Borneo and Vietnam originated in the jungle campaigns of the South West Pacific Area during World War II. Jul 14, 2016 · From this understanding we can examine two ideas that enable Australian Army innovation: improving collaboration and realising people’s potential. 11 ‘Australian Defence Force Procedures (ADFP) 5. risk receives explicit notice in Australian joint doctrine just as in the American, the objective being fl exibility and adaptability to respond more effectively to the unexpected. The Army both develops and preserves its body of knowledge in publications such as the Australian Army Journal. While authoritative, this doctrine—like all other—requires judgement in application. The military implications of the region’s geography (characterised by a combination of the Australian landmass, large areas of open ocean, densely populated island archipelagos, and small island states) are familiar Australian Army doctrine reinforces this in LWP-G 7-0 and LWP-G 7-0-1, both of which relate to the conduct of training. Web our doctrine makes it quite clear decisive events (des) are your essential tasks combined with the threat’s critical targetable vulnerabilities. As defined in Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms (US Department of The Australian Army did not have any doctrine for jungle warfare prior to 1942. Oct 31, 2024 · Australian Military Power is the ADF's capstone doctrine. 11. 1 The nonlinearity of our operating environment and the movement from closed to open systems are generating more uncertainty, as cause and effects are progressively unpredictable Apr 22, 2016 · The study team consulted broadly inside and beyond the Army to gain an appreciation of the extant situation in the Australian Army’s education, training, and doctrine system. may be sent to: Deputy Director Doctrine Lessons and Doctrine Directorate Looking to contemporary military doctrine beyond the Australian Army, the United States Marine Corps has a 200-page pamphlet dedicated to exploring the concept of surprise. AUSTRALIAN ARMY LAND WARFARE PROCEDURE – GENERAL LWP–G 0-2-4 ALL CORPS JUNIOR NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICER FIELD HANDBOOK DEVELOPING DOCTRINE This publication supersedes Australian Army Manual of Land Warfare, Part 2, Volume 2, Pamphlet 2, Infantry Commanders Aide-Memoire 1987 and the 1st Division Junior Non-Commissioned Officers Field Aide In fact, the Army started looking for just this capability well before Russia invaded Ukraine and has awarded a small, Perth-based aviation engineering company, Innovaero, a contract of The term centre of gravity entered Australian Army doctrine in 1992 and ADF joint doctrine in 1998. This episode looks at how jungle warfare doctrine developed and is part of our series on the Kokoda Campaign and Mobilisation. Web the royal air force is formalising and enhancing the role of space as part of its new ‘ strategic command’. Using the Contribute page you can either submit an article in response to this or register/login to make comments. Indeed they arguably represented the most significant influence on Australian military doctrine between the 1970s and the 1990s, the period in which the Australian Army developed its first independent and operational-level doctrine. Learning. The Australian Army’s capstone doctrine, Land Warfare Doctrine 1, The Fundamentals of Land Power (LWD 1),emphasises the importance of innovation in achieving the army’s mission. May 15, 2024 · A Multi-Domain Approach to the Defense: An Australian Perspective It is a great honour to address this Conference. Mar 4, 2025 · The Australian approach merits attention, particularly as it contrasts with the traditional American way of conducting military operations. ANNOUNCEMENT: This morning the Australian Army Land Warfare Doctrine Box of Books was launched at the Chief of Army Senior Advisory Committee. He joined the Army in 1979 and graduated from the Officer Cadet School, Portsea to the Royal Australian Infantry Corps. ” During the war in the Pacific, in the almost literal absence of the British and fighting in theatres close to home, the Australian Army developed a distinctive national doctrine for conventional jungle warfare, but in the immediate aftermath of the war this was thrown over in favour of British doctrine and the contingency of service in Jul 28, 2021 · Department of Defence, 2012, Australian Defence Doctrine Publication—Doctrine (ADDP–D), Foundations of Australian Military Doctrine (3rd edition) (Canberra: Defence Publishing Service), 3. 1— a. 201 Each of these Jan 26, 2017 · COG Analysis Requirements for Today’s ADF Operations. This publication codifies the Australian Defence Force thinking on leadership. It guides the further development and integration of joint functional and service concepts into a joint capability, and articulates the measurable detail needed for experimentation and decision-making. 1 - Joint Military Appreciation Process, Edition 2’; ‘Australian Defence Force-Philosophical-7 Learning, Edition 3’ (Commonwealth of Australia, 2021); ‘Land Warfare Doctrine 5-1-4: The Military Appreciation Process’; ‘Introduction to the Military Appreciation Process (MAP . This diagnosis should stimulate discussion and provide a start point in addressing the challenge of ensuring that system is fit for a digital-age workforce and oriented The resulting defensive fortifications that comprised the Maginot Line were a requirement of the resulting defensive doctrine. The LWD 1 Jan 6, 2023 · Australian Military Doctrine. AMENDMENT CERTIFICATE 1. The Australian Army physical training doctrine is not clear on what they should be. 5 The definition of centre of gravity that featured in the 1998 interim edition of the Joint Military Appreciation Process remained essentially unchanged between then and 2016, and was remarkably similar to the US quoted above: Australian Defence Force – Philosophical – 0 Command, Edition 1 is Military doctrine describes fundamental principles that guide Sep 6, 2024 · By the middle of 1943, after key campaigns like Milne Bay and the Kokoda Track, the Australian Army was able to fully integrate these lessons into their jungle warfare doctrine, creating a more organized and effective training program for the rest of the war. This is the second part of an interview with Dr Adrian Threlfall, an expert in Australian Army Doctrine Development in the Second World War. 2 Australian Army, 2017, Land Warfare Doctrine 1: The Fundamentals of Land Power (Canberra: Australian Army), 18. The Fundamentals of Land Power also provides strategic decision makers and the Australian community with the Australian Army perspective on warfare and the defence of Australia and its interests. Dec 1, 2014 · The theories of Sir Basil Liddell Hart are a ready staple of Australian doctrine. OFFICIAL OFFICIAL. Even if they were clear, an overemphasis on the training principle of individuality and the nature of the testing regime encourages divergence from doctrine in practice. The adoption of the principles of Air-Land Battle by the Australian Army in Land Warfare Doctrine 1 gave us manoeuvre theory and mission command. The quote above, from Lieutenant General Frank Hickling (retired) in January this year, has been at the forefront of my mind since I commenced this appointment. army. This mindset and its doctrine were a policy for defeat against the German Army, who had pioneered a method of warfare, which placed manoeuvre back in the ascendancy over firepower. Note "DPS: Jul033/05" -- Back cover. 2 The definition of COG that featured in the 1998 interim edition of JMAP doctrine remained essentially unchanged between then and the recent review: “The key characteristic, capability or locality from which a military force, nation or Mar 4, 2025 · Reflecting on the Australian Army's heritage in the realm of counterinsurgency, it looks at emerging trends in the public discourse on the ‘war on terror' and examines how Australia's traditional allies are developing doctrine in reaction to those trends. Defence FOI 287/22/23 1 of 304 AUSTRALIAN ARMY LAND WARFARE DOCTRINE LWD 0-2-2 CHARACTER This publication supersedes Manual of Land Warfare 3-2-5, Character Training, 1983. We also need to double down on our single service and joint journals – spaces where professionals can explore, debate and refine their ideas. Australian Army Manual of Land Warfare, Part Two, Infantry Training, Volume 3, Pamphlet No 3, Navigation (All Corps); c. Addeddate 2023-03-24 19:59:43 Collection_added manuals additional_collections Page topic: "Land Warfare Doctrine 1-0 Personnel 2018 - Australian Army". 6 Foundations of Australian Military Doctrine. [xxiii] One may observe that the conduct of amphibious operations themselves, with the almost complete reliance on US Navy ships and US Army landing craft commanded by the US 7th Amphibious Force (which also assumed carriage of amphibious training), steadily infused the American methods and doctrine into Australian training and operations During the most recent update of existing Australian Army adversary doctrine (the Musorians), the US Army offered the DATE enterprise to the Australian Army. The ADF Doctrine Library is the single repository of doctrinal knowledge within Defence. TOC 3 Issued by command of Australian Army, Land Warfare Doctrine, LWD 0-2 Leadership, 2002 Doctrine Wing, Training and Doctrine Group, Land Warfare Development Centre is responsible for the management and Australian Military Power is the ADF's capstone doctrine. As APS personnel play an essential role in the development of policy advice to Government about ADF operations, those personnel should refer to ADF-P-0 Military Ethics where appropriate. Oct 31, 2023 · The views expressed in this article and subsequent comments are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Australian Army, the Department of Defence or the Australian Government. The Army lives in the school house. 0. Australian Defence Force – Capstone – 0 Australian Military Power, Edition 2 is issued for use by the Australian Defence Force and is effective forthwith. However, this doctrine does not empower the collective group of non-commissioned officers (NCOs) and warrant officers (WOs) (for the purpose of the essay referred to as NCOs) to acquire the knowledge required to allow them to The division of responsibilities between the Australian intelligence community (a detailed synopsis of which can be found in Australian Defence Doctrine Publication 2. The context in which military forces operate is increasingly complex and dynamic.